Ch.9 Picnic pt.1

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We're sitting down when Amber looks up and when she notices me, she gives me this sort of nervous look. "Well hello Amber.. I thought you had your friends to sit with?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, of course but I told them I was sitting with Ryan, since he invited me over here. I hope you dont mind me hanging with your friends." Ambs replies to me.

"Of course she dont, right Kass," Jordan says as she nudges me, "Yeah I dont care, was just curious." Everyone starts to talk among themselves, Em and Mack are talking, while Ambs and Ryan are talking. Jordan then turns to me and gets a bit closer to my ear and whispers, "Man I just could not get you out my head all morning," she then pulls away and smirks where you can see her dimple. "Oh really? Why would you be thinking of me?" I can see Amber staring at us with her eyebrows raised, from out the corner of my eye.

"Well you know, because you are very gorgeous and i've been getting this sorta vibe from you that I just cant resist," hmm, shes a little smooth with this, maybe she's just talked to so many girls that it comes easy to her. Could that be what she tells all the girls? 

"No, I do not, i'm just being honest with you," she says which makes me realize I said that out loud instead of thinking it. She then continues, "Yes Kass, I've talked to multiple girls before or done things but they never liked girls, so it could never turn into anything more because they were experimenting. I swear" she says as she grabs my hand into both of her hands. We all finish with our lunch and head back to our 4th period, which is the class I have with Mack and Jordan.


Class was pretty boring, Science is not really my favorite subject. I then grab my books out of my locker and place them bag into the pink/beige purse, as i'm about to close my locker, I notice a sticky note, I then open it and it reads: Kass, I want to try and make it up to you, have a special evening.. meet me at my car after school if you read this before leaving..  

 I then quickly text Amber to let mom know i'm catching a ride home with Em, I meet up with Em and Jordan at her car and we all get in, Em also puts her headphones in and lays back in the backseat again. 

"Hey, i'm glad you found the sticky note, I want to take you out this evening, maybe around 5:30? If your parents allow of course.." Jordan says smiling at me.

"Yeah that sounds cool, just come to my house around 5:20 so I can introduce you to them, theyre pretty strict with only allowing me to hang with friends they've met, especially with us moving to a new area." 

She smiles even brighter, "That's fine, I dont mind, also I would probably dress warm and cozy."


We arrive to Em's house as I walk across over to my house, as I walk into the door I tell mom I have a new friend that I want them to meet today to see if I can hang out with them, she assures me with a "we'll see, let me talk with your father," I give her a big hug and then make my way upstairs. As i'm settling in, I decide to take a nap but of course right before I fall asleep, Amber then rushes in without knocking.. 

"So what is up with you and that girl?" She says as she raises her eyebrow. "What are you talking about??" I reply back, "I saw you today with that girl, the way yall were smiling and looking at one another, thats the way you would look at someone you're crushing on, then you rode home with her, which was the same car from this morning, seems suspicious to me.. but i'll keep my mouth shut with whatever is going on as long as you allow me to hang with yall and Ryan, I think he's cute."

"I dont know what you're talking about but sure whatever, now get out," I say while she's walking out the door as I slowly doze off.


I wake up to my phone buzzing over and over, sounds like it's never ending, I pick up the phone with a grunt, "UGHHHHHH, what do you want???" I moan into the phone.

"Oh goodness, i'm sorry, did I disturb you at a bad time ? I was just calling cause it's 5 and was letting you know i'm about to head that way love, let me know if you need more time," I then notice it's Jordan who called.

"Oh crap, i'm so sorry, I just woke up from my nap, and the phone woke me up, i'll definitely be ready for 5:20!! Alright i'll see you then, byeeee" I then quickly hang up and jump in the shower. I finish in the shower and wrap my hair in a messy bun because it is looking a mess, I go over to my closet to pick out an outfit. I throw on my oversized fall color striped crop top sweat, over some cute brown sweats, with my tan vans back on. I look at the time as it is 5:15 and i make my way downstairs.

As if right on cue, the doorbell goes off, "I got it!!!" I yell as my parents stand up from the sofa. I open the door to see Jordan holding some flowers, "These are for your mom," she says as I feel a bit crushed thinking they were for me. I then signal her to follow me to the living room where everyone of my family members are suspiciously. 

I clear my throat before introducing her, "Everyone this is my friend Jordan Backsteir, we have 4th period together and she is best friends with Em." 

"Hello, it's so lovely to meet everyone, Kass is such a pleasure to be around." She shakes my mom and dad's hands. and then steps back by me and waves at everyone else. Amber then raises her eyebrow and makes a look, then quickly motions them up and down in a slick way. I roll my eyes as my dad starts to speak, " Well Jordan, where do you plan on taking Pickles this evening?" I slap my forward, "Dadddddddd, dont call me that in front my friends," I grunt.

Jordan smiles, " Sir I remember her mentioning yall are new to town, so I figured I would show her to the lake nearby." Dad nods, "That sounds pretty fun, you guys both have fun and just make sure to not be out too late." "Thanks you guys, I love you ," I give them hugs before heading out.


We arrive to where we're hanging out at, she opens my door for me, "cover your eyes," she then places her hand over my eyes and direct me to a spot, "And open," she removes her hands. I open my eyes to see a blanket laid out, with a basket on top that has strawberries in it, she has some orange juice out for use with some flowers and pillows for us to relax. This is actually pretty nice, "This is beautiful, I'm very thankful", she sits next to me as we're laying here waiting for sunset, just talking to each other.


This chapter mine not be so great, but i was trying to make up for slacking, so tonight I wrote two chapters, any suggestions or commentary, please do not hesitate. Thank you -Brit.

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