Ch. 07: Schoolyard Woes

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Ch. 07: Schoolyard Woes

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School was a concrete jungle, echoing with the roar of a hundred different conversations, each one a reminder of my isolation. I slouched at my usual lunch table, the lukewarm pizza a soggy island on my cafeteria tray. Glancing at my phone, I saw the latest news report – another daring heist by Nightshade. A thrill flickered through me, quickly extinguished by the dull ache in my chest.

Suddenly, Kai loomed over me, blocking the phone's glow. My best friend, my lifeline before everything changed. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with a concern that stung more than any insult.

"Yeah, fine," I mumbled, forcing a smile that felt brittle. "Just tired, I guess."

Kai wasn't buying it. We used to be an open book to each other, but now there were whole chapters I couldn't share. "Is it... because of the park?" he prodded, his voice softening.

The memory of that fight, of seeing shadows dance with inhuman grace, sent a shiver down my spine. "The park?" I played dumb, hoping to deflect.

"You know," he persisted, "the fight you saw. It's been messing with you, hasn't it?"

I sighed. The secret writhed inside me, a caged beast yearning to break free. How could I explain the exhilarating burden of invisibility, the way it felt to be both powerful and unseen? It felt like a betrayal, a double life teetering on the edge of collapse.

"It's... a lot to process," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Kai nodded, his gaze filled with empathy. "I get it. But hey, you don't have to shoulder it alone, you know? Talk to me."

I yearned to unload everything, to share the stories that danced behind my closed eyelids at night. But the fear of rejection, of his world shattering around me, kept my lips sealed.

The lunch bell's shrill cry severed the conversation. Relief washed over me even as a dull ache settled in my stomach. As everyone shuffled out, Kai lingered, his hand hovering on my shoulder.

"You know," he said hesitantly, "we used to tell each other everything. Don't shut me out."

I met his gaze, pleading for understanding he couldn't quite grasp. My fingers squeezed his hand, a silent promise hanging between us. In that moment, the weight of my secret felt like a physical barrier, a wall I couldn't tear down without shattering everything we had.

Later, in biology class, the rhythmic scrape of my pen against paper lulled me into a trance. My notebook filled with a stylized image – a figure with flowing wings, cloaked in darkness. Nightshade. She was a constant companion now, a symbol of my double life bleeding into the mundane reality of school.

A crumpled piece of paper landed on my desk, disrupting my reverie. With a racing heart, I unfolded it. Kai's messy handwriting jumped out: "Meet me at the swings after school?"

A flicker of hope ignited within me. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way to bridge the gap between Violet and Nightshade. Maybe I could share a glimpse of the extraordinary girl hidden beneath the cloak of invisibility, a secret I hoped wouldn't scare him away.

The final bell rang, a welcome break from the suffocating silence. As I gathered my things, a fierce determination bloomed in my chest. Tonight, I wouldn't just be Violet, the ostracized girl. Tonight, I would find a way to let a sliver of Nightshade peek through the cracks, hoping it wouldn't shatter the fragile trust holding our friendship together.

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