They leave to go to the cafeteria to get some breakfast, and ricarro now looked like a human they go into the town next to momiji's.

"Ricarro, wait!" Cal shouts ricarro, dragging him, walking towards a McDonald's.

Cal stops ricarro. "we just ate breakfast. I was thinking we could shop for a bit and then get some lunch. I know you are excited, but calm down a bit alright."

"Okay, I will try." Ricarro said "um where are we gonna go now?" Ricarro asked." I don't know, but we can look around. How about that?"

"Sure." Ricarro replied they walk around for a bit, then ricarro points out a store it looks like a book store. "

"Can we go in that one?" Ricarro asks "Sure I don't see why not." Cal replied."Yes, I can finally have some mango's!" Ricarro said excitedly

"Mango's?" Cal questioned "Uh the book that is like a comic book, but not." Ricarro responded to cal.

"Do you mean manga?" Cal asks "Yeah that." Ricarro replied."we should start looking then." Cal said, walking towards the book store door.

Cal holds the door open, ricarro walks in the store, and cal walks in after him.

"Welcome, If you need help finding anything, just asks and we will help." The employee said smiling.

"Will do thank you." Cal replied friendly and smiled at the employee.

Ricarro drags cal through the store, trying to find the manga section. Then, when he finds it, he lets go of cal's hand and walks over to the shelves.

"Do you have anything specific you're looking for?"cal asks ricarro.

"Uh, not really. I'm trying to find something interesting." Ricarro responds.

"Okay." Cal said he walks a bit away from ricarro looking at the manga's ""mhm what would ricarro like.""Cal thought.

He looks at the different manga's. The one caught his eye cal, grabbed the manga, and walked back to ricarro.

"I found one you might like, you know link?" Cal asked "mhm I do. " Ricarro hummed "Okay so you will like this one." Cal said, handing the manga to ricarro.

Ricarro looks at it flipping through some pages. " Yeah, I think I will get this one." " Then let's check out." Cal replied.

"You're going to buy it for me." Ricarro asks." Yes, of course I will." Cal responded, smiling at ricarro.

They walk up to the counter ricarro sets down the magna. The employee scans it, and the says the price "$6.99"

Cal gets out his wallet and hands the employee his credit card. The employee swipes the card, and the manga is paid for.

The employee hands back cal's credit card he puts it back in his wallet, and the employee bags it and receipts.

Cal hands the bag to ricarro. "Thank you for shopping. Have a good day!" The employee said,"You too." Cal said back while leaving the store.

"Thank you cal you didn't have to buy it for me." Ricarro said." Yeah, it's no big deal. I wanted to buy that for you, okay?" Cal replied, ruffling Ricarro's hair.

"Now, where are we going?" Ricarro asks."I was thinking about getting some new outfits for me. I can also buy some for you if you want some." Cal said.

"No, I'm good, buy something for yourself." Ricarro replied,"Alright." Cal said.

After cal bought some new outfits for himself, they are starving.

"I'm really hungry." Ricarro said "Okay let's get some food." Cal responds."Here I come, mcnuggies!" Ricarro shouts cal chuckles.

They arrive at McDonald's they order their food to find a table to sit in, and then they get their food. Now they're eating and talking.

"So what were you thinking about earlier ricarro I'm curious." Cal asks he couldn't help but smirk.

Ricarro blushes "Uh i-it was nothing! Ricarro stumbled looking away for cal.

"Okay, okay I won't push you to say it I was just curious you where deep in thought." Cal said.

Ricarro looks back a cal quickly he had a smrik on his face he puts his elbow on the table " What about you? Have you been thinking of someone?" Ricarro asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"U-uh I may or may not be but why do you want to know." Cal said blushing a bit.

" Cal said blushing a bit

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Ricarro shrugged. " I don't know there hasn't been a lot goin,  on and I want some, tea not the drinking , ind though."

"I know what you mean why don't you ask someone else?" Cal asked

"Well I just wanted to know since you where up late last night." Ricarro replied.

"How do you know I was up late last night?" Cal asked

"I heard you." Ricarro responded.

" I thought I was being quite." Cal said " I have good hearing." Ricarro replied proudly.

"But if you need any help I can be your wingman." Ricarro suggested smiling.

" I will think about it okay." Cal responded,"YES." Ricarro shouted.

After they were finished with their lunch/ dinner, they threw their crush away and went home to camp oasis.

They arrive back at the Egyptians part of camp the walk in to where the rooms are held at.

"Thank you for today's cal. I enjoyed it." Ricarro said, smiling.

"It's no problem, ricarro. I also enjoyed it." Cal replied, smiling at ricarro.

Cal pulled ricarro in a hug. " Good night, Mama cal." Ricarro said." Good night, ricarro." Cal responded.

They pull apart they go their separate ways into their room's.

Cal puts his new outfits away and puts on some pj's, and he goes to sleep for the night.

Sorry for the long wait, school in all, but I hope you like this chapter it is pretty long. Have a fantastic day or night, and hopefully, I can write more of the story! :D What was your favorite part in this chapter?

How Cal fell in love with Xylo RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now