Denial chapter 2

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Cal was sleeping peacefully until a loud rapid knocking on his door. cal groaned. He looked over to his phone and turned it on. The time was 6:00am in the morning.

Cal sighed. He sat up slowly, pushing the covers off of him he got off the bed and started to walk towards his door.

Cal opened the door, revealing a wild ricarro. "Why are you up at 6 o clock in the morning." Cal asked.

"I'm too excited to sleep!" Ricarro explained while jumping up and down.

"Are you doing something with momiji?" Cal asked, confused, and tried.

"No, did you forget what was planned today?" Ricarro said, putting a hand on his hip and an eyebrow raise.

Cal nervously rubs the back of his neck, trying to think what was planned today with ricarro he gives up.

"What was planned today?" Cal asked ricarro nervously

"You were supposed to take me to McDonald's, remember." Ricarro said, looking at cal with puppy dog eyes.

☆~~~~~~~Flashback ~~~~~~~~~☆

"Hey cal, could you do me a favor?" Xylo asked, walking up to cal.

Cal raised an eyebrow, looking at xylo. "Depends on what the favor is."

"It nothing dangerous." Xylo said casually, waving cal off."Sure." Cal replied, looking at xylo suspiciously.

"I'm serious it's nothing dangerous. You just need to take ricarro to McDonald's so he can get his mcnuggies." Xylo finished.

"Why can't you take him?" Cal asked."I'm too busy to I would but aslo I don't exactly have human clothes." Xylo said.

"Okay, I will take ricarro as long as you get to return the favor." Cal asked."I'm fine with that." Xylo said.

☆~~~~~~~End of flasback~~~~~~~☆

"I remember now that's fine, but I need more sleep to take you to McDonald's, and I suggest you get some sleep to if you can." Cal said.

"Okay, I will try to get some sleep." Ricarro said, walking towards his room.

Cal closes his door and walks back to his bed he sets an alarm on his phone to wake him up at 8 o'clock. He sets his phone down and lays on his bed, and he goes back to sleep.

○~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~○

Cal's phone alarm goes off cal admittedly got up, and he turns off the alarm he pushes the covers off of him, and he gets up.

Cal walks over to his closet he opens it and picks out an outfit, but it's just his normal clothes that he wears every day. ""Maybe I can get some new outfits."" Cal thought.

Cal walks out of his room he closes the door behind him, and he sees ricarro on the couch he looks deep in thought.

Cal walks over to him and says curiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Ricarro jumped. "UH Nothing!" Cal looked at ricarro suspiciously and asked,"Okay....anyway, have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"No." Ricarro responded "Okay let me make something real quick." Cal said, walking over to the refrigerator.

Cal opened the refrigerator door and stood there for a moment. Then, cal looked at ricarro. "Did you fill the refrigerator full of ice cream again." Cal asked.

"No, why?" Ricarro replied cal sighed. " Me and inpu just filled it with real food, but now it's filled with just ice cream again."

"So... Are we still eating breakfast?" Ricarro asked."Yes, we should go before inpu finds out that the salad that bryan made him is gone." Cal said, gesturing to ricarro to get up.

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