The room, for a moment, was enveloped in stunned silence, the audacity of Izuku's statement hanging between them.

Then, almost as quickly as it had arrived, the tension broke, dissolved by Katsuki's booming laughter. It was the kind of laughter that was infectious, born from a place of genuine amusement and surprise.

"Damn, Deku," Katsuki managed between laughs, the use of Izuku's childhood nickname slipping out with an ease that spoke of their deep connection. "You really went there, huh?"

Izuku, emboldened by Katsuki's reaction, laughed along, the initial embarrassment fading to a sense of pride. It wasn't often he caught Katsuki off guard, but when he did, the victory was sweet."Yeah, well, I mean, it's true, isn't it?" Izuku replied, the jest still evident in his tone, but his gaze held a deeper warmth, a love that went beyond words and playful banter.

As the laughter died down and the comfortable silence returned to their hotel room, Katsuki's gaze lingered on Izuku, thoughtful and curious. The banter about their potential married life had sparked something in him, a mix of amusement and genuine interest.

With a decisive movement that was characteristic of him, Katsuki switched beds, closing the distance between them to sit next to Izuku.

The shift was subtle but significant, an unspoken invitation to continue their earlier conversation."So, about what you said," Katsuki began, his tone a blend of casual and earnest that Izuku had come to recognize and appreciate over the years. "Where do you think we'd... you know, do it? You mentioned our big-ass pool?"

Izuku's eyes widened slightly, not expecting Katsuki to circle back to the topic with such directness.

Yet, the question didn't carry the weight of embarrassment or awkwardness; rather, it was filled with a curiosity that mirrored Izuku's own. The very idea, though spoken in jest initially, now hung between them, ripe with possibilities.

"Well," Izuku started, his mind racing with images of the luxurious, sprawling pool they had often fantasized about having in their future dream home. "The pool does sound... exciting, doesn't it? Imagine, the privacy of our backyard, under the stars..."

His voice trailed off, leaving the sentence to hang tantalizingly in the air.The thought, vivid and enticing, seemed to draw them closer, their shared laughter now replaced with a charged silence.

Katsuki's eyes sparkled with mischief and something softer, a tenderness that was often reserved for moments like these."Yeah, I can picture it," Katsuki replied, his voice low. "Sounds like a damn good plan to me." The smirk playing on his lips was playful, but his eyes held a deeper promise, a vow of adventures yet to come.

The idea of making love in their future pool, under the blanket of night, was more than just a fleeting fantasy.

As the conversation swirled around them, the air thick with unspoken desires and shared dreams, Katsuki couldn't shake the magnetic pull drawing him closer to Izuku. The playful banter about their future exploits had ignited a fire within him, a primal urge to explore the depths of their connection in a more intimate way.

With a calculated ease that belied the intensity of his emotions, Katsuki began to make his move.Leaning in closer to Izuku, their faces mere inches apart, Katsuki's voice lowered to a husky whisper. "So, Deku," he murmured, his breath warm against Izuku's skin, "what would you moan, huh? In that big-ass pool of ours, I mean."

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