Week One, Sunday

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Week One, Sunday

Ten weeks. Ayano Aishi has ten weeks to choose her husband. Ten weeks to feel, to fall in love, to choose her future partner with whom she will rule over all of Akadami Kingdom. 

And the clock is already ticking, her first suitor arriving tomorrow. A prince, coming from a neighboring kingdom, hoping to create an alliance, or win her heart, or… something.

Ayano isn’t sure, but she doesn’t feel ready. She doesn’t feel anything, to be quite honest, but that’s to be expected. 

The Curse of the Aishi bloodline, here to make Ayano’s life more difficult than it needs to be. How exhausting. 

Ayano feels as if she’s fooling herself, as if this is just a dream that she will soon wake up from. Because it has to be, right? There’s no possible way her mother, her own mother, would force her to choose her partner for life in such a small amount of time. 

Who is she kidding? The conversation is still fresh in her mind, having only happened a few minutes ago…


“Your Majesty,” her personal servant and ‘friend’, Raibaru, spoke through the door. “Your mother and father request your presence in the throne room.”

Ayano opened her door then, looking to Raibaru with disappointment. “I thought we talked about this whole ‘your majesty’ thing, Raibaru.”

“Right, your maj- Ayano,” Raibaru corrected with a small, bashful smile. “But let us not delay by talking over titles. Your mother seemed rather eager to speak with you, it would be wise to move with haste.”

“Of course.” She stepped forwards, Raibaru followed. “You really do not need to follow me right now, Raibaru.”

“Right! I will, um, clean up your room!” Raibaru said, walking into the room that both of them knew would be spotless, as per usual. 

“Why don’t you go make us something to eat?” Ayano suggested. “I know how much you like to bake.”

“Really?” Raibaru brightened, then nodded. “As you wish, Ayano!” Then she was gone, leaving Ayano to roll her eyes at the orange-haired girl.

Sure, the girl was nice to talk to, and was rather useful in multiple ways, but did she have to be so formal all of the time? Sometimes Ayano just couldn’t stand all of the fake politeness she had to deal with…

The throne room was empty when Ayano arrived. Well, empty except for the two rulers of Akademi, who sat perched on their thrones. Her mother beamed when she saw Ayano, her father looked somewhat apologetic.

“You wanted to see me?” Ayano asked, stopping a few feet before her parents.

“We’ve been talking, dearie, and we’ve come to a decision regarding the future. Regarding your future, to be more precise,” her mother said, then gestured to a nearby chair that had been placed in advance. “Why don’t you take a seat?”

Ten WeeksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz