Solar.The way I say that I like you.[fluff]

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You and Solar were arguing, not knowing how, now you found yourselves in an uncomfortable situation.

"Will you ever shut up or do you just not understand, huh?" Solar says, trying not to lose his temper with you.

"The one who doesn't understand here is you!" you say, facing him and pushing him.

Solar, to avoid falling, grabs your arm, causing both of you to fall.


"Damn, what is wro—" he exclaims at the same time as you curse, as he slowly opens his eyes from the impact, having to quiet down due to the peculiar position both were now in.

Neither of you understood how you managed to get into this awkward position and place.

"See what you've done, idiot, now we're stuck in this place and I won't even talk about how uncomfortable the position we're in is!" you said, trying to free yourself from under him and making it clear that you want to avoid direct eye contact with Solar who was on top of you.

Solar clearly realizes this, still angry he decides to call you out.

"Look all you want, we're both in this uncomfortable situation that we both want to get out of and I don't like it one bit, do you understand, or will you never?" Solar seems more annoyed than usual and his tone betrays him.

"Of course! What else would I look at, you? Do you want me to?"

"Just shut up for once! Technically you've already ruined my day as you always do, and the worst part is I'm stuck on top of you unable to move, idiot."

"Tsk, you piece of rusty scrap."

"What do you think you're saying, huh?"

"That's enough... damn it, I just want to get out of here already," you say, as the position they're in makes you feel more nervous than angry.

"Look at you giving up to me in this stupid situation, you little piece of shit."

You sigh.

"I'm just trying to be nice, you don't know how much I hate you," you say as you roll your eyes.

Solar just laughs mockingly, never thought you'd say something that would sound so incoherent and hurtful in his head at the same time, but he had gotten used to it, you both hated each other, right?

"Yes, sure, and I believe you, you have zero interest in me."

"You never understand anything, do you?"

"The one who doesn't understand is you, just look elsewhere, I despise you."

"Uh-huh, and who got us into this situation? It was you for pushing me and now you can't get off me!"

"We're in this same situation because of you, the little idiot who pushed me and doesn't know how to do anything other than anger others with their shitty attitude!"

"What's stopping you from getting off?"

"It's not as easy as you think! We're in a very narrow place where I have little maneuverability."

"Damn it, how did I end up like this with you," you say, moving a bit while muttering to yourself.

"Do you think I'm deaf?! I can hear you!"

"You don't have ears, being a Solar animatronic that's obvious," you say mockingly.

Solar sighs and just rolls his eyes at the stupid comment you just made.

"Do you love seeing me annoyed?"

"Mmm, yes," you say mockingly.

Maybe... you didn't really hate Solar, did you?

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