part one: the first day of school

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*It's the night before luca and ash go to college, ash is in his room sleeping, and luca is outside in the backyard playing basketball. It's the next morning and luca is tired but manages to still stay awake and his brother and parents are concerned that he never sleeps but luca tells them he is fine so they just take his words into consideration and trevor and miley drive him and ash to their new school.*

*they arrive to the school and go up to their dorms and unpack and settle in and luca is in his room and stays there the whole day and studies even tho he is really sleep deprived right now he still stays awake and studies even tho he probably should sleep but he doesn't sleep, and his roommate's notice this and their brothers and ash then come to the dorm.*

Ace: Liam, xander is that your roommate? *He points to luca who's in his room studying and who looks really sleep deprived.*

Xander: yea it is.

Ian: Why does he look really sleep deprived and like he just never sleeps?

*Ash sighs and goes to luca's room and taps him on his shoulder making him look behind him.*

Ash: Little bro please tell me why you always either stay up all night studying, doing homework or play basketball and not sleep?

Luca: i just can't

Ash: You can't sleep?

Luca: yes i can't sleep, and even if i do i just end up waking up again after an hour.

Ash: *sighs* Why didn't you tell me or mom or dad?

Luca: I didn't want to bother you guys.

Ash: Luca you're my little brother, you never will bother me if you tell me what's going on, I promise and you definitely won't bother mom or dad either, we just want you to be ok and healthy.

Luca: i am ok

Ash: I know you are, but it's not healthy to not sleep at all, if you don't sleep you won't be able to focus on anything.

Luca: even basketball?

Ash: yes luca, even basketball, and i know you love playing basketball so if you want to focus on it, you need sleep.

Luca: i can't sleep

Ash: I know you can't, let me call mom and dad and tell them, and have them take you to the doctors so they can find out why you aren't able to sleep.

Luca: Are you also gonna come with me?

Ash: Of course I am, you're my little brother, I'm not letting you go through this alone but while i call mom and dad try getting some sleep now even if it's only an hour okay?

Luca: okay

*Ash calls their mom and dad and tells them about what Luca just told him and while Ash is talking with them Luca is laying on his bed and sleeping.*

*An hour later Luca is awake, he is still sleep deprived but awake since he can't sleep anymore and Trevor and Miley are now there with the car and Ash and Luca go down to the car and they both get into the back and Trevor is driving to the hospital.*

(this is all for part one, part two you will find out the reason why he never sleeps, i hope you all like this story)

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i love you all and i hope you all have a good day! baiiiii!!!!

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