嘘と嘘で濁ったアイ アイニージュか? 腐る愛 愛 愛か?

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cw: suggestive partybeetle
this is NOT making it to ao3 i would be executed i think

romanji: uso to uso de nigotta ai ainiiju ka? kusaru ai ai ai ka?
translation: is it an "i-i need you" corrupted by lies upon lies? is it a putrid love love love?


its not like it was late at night or abhorrently early, it just wasn't a popular train, so deep underground with few who need to take it. the only occupant today, so far, was pest, claws holding onto one of the provided straps above . not really focused on anything, just taking the train and thinking.

it comes to a halt, the doors sharply opening. what an old train. it screeched and creaked and the doors were such a hazard. 

chatter slowly infiltrated pests little thought bubble, glancing over to see the one who entered the train was none other, partynoob. and they were there, talking away on the phone, so loud he could eavesdrop over the rumbling of the wheels on the rails. but, they were quite distracted, excitedly talking. quite the opportunity.

poob had paid no attention to pest, not at all. not recognizing there couldve been someone else on the train. they hold onto one of the train poles near the seats, almost pressed against it. 

quietly, pest turned, a grin spreading across his face at his own thoughts. he stepped up behind poob, grabbing their waist in his claws, slightly digging into the jean fabric. it spooks them enough to drop their phone, hitting the floor of the train, an inaudible thud.

pulling them closer, pushing his mandibles into their cheek from the nook of their neck, he slowly thumbed his way into one of their front pockets, searching for a little extra change.

,, . . とてもかあわいい ,, he thought, a low purr emitted from his throat. poob focused on all his feelings, the deep chitter, the warmth behind him, and the stabbing pain in his hips.

carefully, crawling up and into their sweater, his claws grazed against their soft, sun colored skin, as he slipped coins into his own palms. the nervous whimpering from poob was like a soft melody to pest.

he sneered, pushing his claw further up to rub against their nipples. with a sharp gasp, the partyblower fell out of their mouth, poob recoiling into him. 

suddenly, pest pulled his arms off of them, backing off. poob nearly fell over, trying to catch their breath and their stabilization was gone. they shook their head, turning around to see him playing with a coin between his fingers. he playfully raised his arm in the air, high above them.

embarrassed that they let themselves get robbed so blatantly, they jumped up, trying to reach for it, to no avail. eventually, poob got close enough and stumbled just a little bit, being caught and dragged chest to chest with pest. he could feel their heart pounding.

poob yelped, initially protesting by pushing their paws against his chest, before pest grabbed their chin and pushed their lips together, kissing him a few times, almost softly, then shoving his tongue into their mouth, tightly shut eyes and melting into the touch.

his claw trailed down into their back pocket, making sure to scrape against their body. a shiver ran through poob at every pointed touch. daintily searching for more coins, only pulling out a few and clasping them in his claw before he pulled their faces apart , a trail of saliva connected them now, quickly licked up by pest. 

poobs face was completely flushed a beautiful scarlet, their paws tightly clutching onto the back of pests sweater, they had accepted the embrace.

getting needy, selfish, pest pushed their head up and started to nibble on their neck, his mandibles felt like they were piercing into the thin skin. he bit down into their neck with his jagged teeth, immediately biting again right after, warm blood on his fangs and trickling down their neck.

"o-ow!! w-wait stawp.." poob let go, weakly pushing against pest again

seems like he had to anyways, the train had started to screech to a familiar halt.

he pulled his head up, away from where he bit, admiring it for a second. shoving the coins in his palm into his pocket, his eyes slitted with malice

"またね、愛しい人" he purred, stepping out of the opening train doors

poob seem dazed, out of breath, tears barely welled up in their eyes, the sounds of the bustling macabre city intruded the now quiet train.

they could barely babble anything to him, outstretching their arm to him but jolting it back when the doors rapidly closed. they sighed, part relief and part disappointment.

"i dunno wut he saiidd.." 

the blood reaching the rim of his hoodie and a tingly pain in their neck seemed to bring them back enough. realizing they should be trying to stop the bleeding, they pressed their hoodie sleeve against their neck.

senselessly searching for their phone and blower, only to see the person on the other side had hung up. suppose they had to catch them later, but they'll still head to the party. sitting down and slipping their phone into their jeans, feeling the pocket was a lot less crowded. only then did they realize they had more than a few coins robbed from them.

still red and blushing, leaning forward in their seat to put their head in their paws, an almost exhausted blow into the partyblower before the train rattled back up and sped down the tunnels.


if u can tell that i lost motivation near the end no u cant

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