Chapter 16 - Playhouse

Start from the beginning

Not wanting to see any more of that scene, (Y/N) hurried forward, trying to avoid being detected by CatNap.

Luckily for him, he'd gotten to his destination. A small red metal door stood before him with a sign above it, reading: 'Playhouse, Restricted Access.' There was also a panel with a blue handprint on it, signifying that the boy had to use his Grabpack's left hand to open the door.

Once open, (Y/N) had to go through another doorway to enter the Playhouse, and that's what he did.

He was met with a small room that had multiple toys hanging from the ceiling by a rope, a door to the far right side and a large crack on the far left.

(Y/N) was analyzing the room for too long, and a small dirty and ripped pig plushie crawling out of the hole scared him. Shooting his normal hands at it did nothing as it slowly approached, so he decided to use the flare gun since the sign back in the school said that it was needed.

And to his relief, the sign wasn't lying as the creature screeched out of fear and crawled back into the hole.

'Now I know how to deal with those...' Continuing through the door, the environment changed from concrete walls to dirty, colorful tiles, resembling that of an actual playhouse... I guess that's where it got it's name. 'This doesn't seem too bad yet.'

Continuing further into the place, (Y/N) had to crawl through a series of tunnels while scaring away the Mini Critters. After going down a few slides, the boy arrives in a bigger room. He found himself in a small maze.

The (H/C) haired boy found a wire, and he knew he had to do some more puzzles, so he followed it.

The wire led him to a big button with a box above it on a raised platform. Stepping on the button (Y/N) knew he had to active it and keep it activated, so he pulled the box onto it.

This seemed to work, since (Y/N) left and continued searching around the place.

Our protagonist can't leave without a scare, so once when he turned a corner a Mini Critter jumped at him, catching him off guard. Luckily, he shot at it with his flare gun, making the toy fly in a different direction than him.

Activating another button made a rotating platform start up. Peaking his head up, (Y/N) was able to see a doorway only accessible if we were to travel by that platform.

Jumping onto the platform when it was time, (Y/N) managed to get to the doorway just like he thought, and through it was a spiral staircase only going downwards.

While walking down, a feeling of dread started crawling up his spine. (Y/N) didn't know what was coming.

Walking through a pool room, (Y/N) thought back to the time when he was able to shower... oh how he misses those times.

Although what was on the other side of the pool room shocked our protagonist. A bunch of cells, some open, some closed. Walking closer, (Y/N) started inspecting every one of them, right to left.

A weak but deep voice made him literally jump, scaring the shit out of him.

"You.. You're Poppy's angel... Come to save us." A dog toy, more like half a dog toy, bound by some belts with his bottom half missing spoke.

"'Save us'? Are there more of you? And.. who are you..?" (Y/N) asked, getting immediately worried the moment he saw the missing bottom half.

"DogDay... Nothing left to save, not here... You're in CatNap's home, angel. Their home. A million pairs of eyes are on you now. Watching, waiting, hungry. They want nothing more than to crawl beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by little bit, and fill what feels empty inside of them."

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