33 | in the middle of the coronation

Comenzar desde el principio

Eren didn't seem amused at Y/n's suggestion. He turned back to Historia. "If it's not a real grudge, just forget it."

"If I can't do this, how can I call myself Queen?" Historia reasoned. From Y/n's perspective, Y/n thought she sounded more passionate about this rather than insisting to fight her father.

"Hell yeah, Historia! That's the spirit!" Jean joined in.

Historia gasped as they finally came across their — her — target. Levi approached them, standing face to face with Historia. She was trembling — then she yelled and ran over to Levi, throwing a weak-looking punch at his side. He didn't wince or flinch,  but everyone yelled in shock.

"She actually did it!" Y/n exclaimed, hands on Connie's and Jean's shoulders as she peered over their shoulders. If worse came to worst, she could use them as human shields against Levi.

Historia laughed as she backed off, raising her hands in triumph. "How'd you like that! I'm the Queen!"

"Tell him to hit you back!" Y/n reminded her, then her eyes met Levi's piercing gaze, so she quickly lowered herself behind Jean and Connie. 

Levi's chuckle surprised everyone. Even a small smile found its way on his lips, making Y/n cower behind Jean and Connie further.

"Oh walls, he's going to kill us all. And I'm first! Why can't I keep my mouth shut!?" Y/n whispered to herself, clutching the boys' jacket.

"Thank you . . . all of you."

Y/n peaked over Jean and Connie's shoulders, an eyebrow raised. There was a moment of silence and no one moved. Y/n gulped. "So . . . you're not going to kill me first?"

"I'm still thinking about that." Levi's smile didn't waver, which made everything more terrifying.

"Right!" Y/n laughed nervously and moved to stand behind Sasha as extra protection.

She could feel the cleaning duties already coming.

The group continued walking on, but Y/n quickly caught Historia by the shoulder, making her turn back. "Historia?"


"Please make it a law that Levi can't abuse us anymore."


Y/n laughed as she watched kids pulling on Sasha's clothes while she tried to move more crates, then yelped when a girl poked her in the ribs, making her almost drop her own crate.

"HEY!" Y/n looked at the giggling girl, her eyes narrowed. "Would you want to carry this instead, huh? It's heavy! If I drop it on your foot, it'll hurt!"

"I can do it! I'm strong!" The girl flexed her arms — she must've seen that from one of them earlier.

"Hm, really?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "You think you can carry something better than a big strong soldier can?" She would've flexed her own muscles had her hands not been occupied.

"I can!" The girl exclaimed again.

"Hm, I don't believe that." Y/n said as she adjusted her grip on the crate. "How old are you again, seven?"

"I'm nine!"

"Oh. It's all yours, then. Enjoy." Y/n dumped the crate in the girl's arms. She almost fell over, but managed to stabilize herself before she held the crate normally.

She beamed up at Y/n. "See, I can do it! I'm strong!"

"Great job! Now bring it over there with the rest of them," Y/n pointed to where she was supposed to bring it and the girl quickly ran over, almost tripping over her feet.

"Y/n, stop exploiting the kids," Jean called from where he, Armin and Eren stood by the fence.

Y/n crossed her arms and moved over to them. "Hey, she challenged me. And it was empty. Besides, shouldn't you three be working? Stop slacking off! Some men you are."

All three of them picked up some sacks that had to be brought inside. Y/n followed suit with a crate, walking with Jean and Armin as Historia joined Eren in the back.

"She sounds like my mother more and more," Jean mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that! And your mother is great!" Y/n reminded him and lightly kicked him in the shin, making him roll his eyes. But she didn't miss the small smile on his lips.

Y/n looked up, watching the sun slowly set in the horizon. The green fields stretched endlessly in all directions and the air was fresh, no Titan remains or blood stench.

Could her life have been if she hadn't joined the army?

Her eyes fell on Connie and Sasha, still struggling with the kids. Mikasa, Eren, Historia, Armin. Had she not joined the army, she would've never met any of them. She wouldn't have been with Jean.

Ah. There's always something good to find in the chaos, isn't it?

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora