Help! My life was HACKED!

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It was a normal Sunday morning. I was going back home from school after a long day full of studying and tests. I was walking on the sidewalk normally, and at this moment I was pulled in the back alley by a skinny, red-eyed guy who looked like a meth addict(probably because he was a meth addict).
-Hey, kid! Do you want to buy some brownies?- He asked, showing me a paper plate of brownies with a weird smile on his face. I replied that I didn’t want any of his brownies, but he said:
-You sure? My mum baked them this morning.-he said. I answered with a simple “No.”, but he did not stop trying to sell me his suspicious brownies.
Then I realised that he will not leave me alone until I buy some of his brownies, so I said:
-Okay, sir. You win. How much does a single brownie cost?
-Five bucks, mate.-he replied, after which I gave him a five dollars bill, took my brownie, and left.
When In finally arrived home, I decided to take one good look at the brownie that I had just purchased. It looked like a normal brownie to me, so I decided to try the baked treat and took a bite of it. It seemed tasty, so I finished it quickly.

After eating the brownie, I started feeling dizzy. I think that for a minute I went back in time,  because I saw Abraham Lincoln riding a dinosaur. I got scared of what I saw, which made me leave my apartment immediately. On the street I saw many strange things like aliens flying in the sky, people with rainbow-colored skin, but most importantly, a flying clock. “Time flies these days.” I said to myself, so I went to the park where my friends were supposed to be, but when I arrived there, I saw a tree looking at me angrily.
-What are you looking at?- I asked the stupid tree. It said nothing, which made me angry. I punched the tree, but when I tried it felt like my arm was sinking in jelly. The tree changed it’s expression to a more happy-looking one.
I moved on from the tree, but then I saw a dwarf charging at me. I jumped, which caused the dwarf to miss and it’s head hit a stone.
I ran off to my place out of fear. Luckily, the dinosaur and president Lincoln were gone. I grabbed the phone and called 911.
-Help! I need to speak to cybersecurity! My life has been hacked!-I said, explaining what happened to me and then I remembered the brownie I ate earlier had an unusual green leaf symbol on it. “Damn Canadians!” I said to myself . The woman on the phone said she will send someone immediately, so I sat down, waiting for the people to come.
After some time, I heard a loud bang on my door. I looked through the hole and saw Dracula, Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella and Chuck Norris(who was disguised as George Washington). One of them said
-FBI! Open up! You are arrested for purchasing illegal drugs, public property damaging and minor offence!

Help, my life was HACKED! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt