"I admire Prince Daemion for the man he was before he left Westeros for Yi-Ti, but this is exactly the problem. He has not been in Westeros nor lived here as a Westerosi for over Ten years!" Lord Alyn spoke. "He is a war hero in a war that never happened in Westeros!"

"When you cowered behind the Red Keep's walls, my lord, Prince Daemion conquered an Empire, broke the back of the pillar of the rebellion that claimed the life of King Maegor and King Aenys, as it claimed the life of Prince Aegon and Prince Viserys" Lord Crispian Celtigar spoke coldly. "Are you a traitor or simply an ignorant fool, Lord Alyn?!"

"I am the voice of the people of Westeros." Lord Alyn spoke colder. "If anyone is suited for the crown, it's Prince Jaehaerys. He has lived in the Kingslanding his whole life. An admired warrior, wise beyond his years, and a man whose hand is clean from the blood of his own Kin!"

As Visenya clenched her shaky fist, Jaehaerys walked forward and stood in Lord Alyn's face as he looked at him with a heart-piercing look.

"I am thankful for your support, my Lord. But once more insult my cousin and you shall be sent to the Wall." Jaehaerys spoke coldly. "Princess Rhaena, my sister, is here safe because of Prince Daemion and you will respect him accordingly."

Lord Alyn backed off as he frowned and looked down. "I apologize my Prince, I merely—" His words were left undone, as the chamber's door was opened, and Ser Arthur Swygert of the Kinsguard walked inside.

"My Lords, My Prince, Dowager Queen Visenya and dowager queen Alyssa." Ser Arthur spoke calmly, but it was obvious he was slightly shaken.

"Now is not the time, Ser Arthur!" Jaehaerys spoke coldly as he looked at the Kingsguard and spoke sharply. "I told everyone to stay out of this room for only a few minutes! Did they fail to say it?!"

"Please forgive me, the maester and the maids told me... But..." Ser Arthur left his words undone as it was obvious that he did not know how to speak what he had come to say.

"But what?" Lord Aethan Velayron asked impatiently and sharply. "Speak you fool!"

Ser Arthur took in a deep breath and spoke calmly. "It is best for you to come to the Throne room."

"The Throne Room? Why is that?" Lord Alyn asked confused, but before anyone else spoke Jaehaerys walked ahead of everyone toward the door as he looked at the maester and the maids.

"Take care of my sister." Jaehaerys spoke and spoke louder to the council in the chamber. "To the Throne room, now."


Jaehaerys alongside the small council walked toward the Throne Room, not knowing what awaited them in the Throne Room.

As the doors to the throne room were opened for them, they walked inside.

There was the Iron Throne... A monstrosity of spikes and jagged edges and twisted metal. the most uncomfortable and dangerous to sit in Wester, with many of the swords forming its structure still sharp enough to draw blood.

And then there he was.

Daemion The Black Dragon, sitting on the Iron throne, with his legs crossed, and with the ruby crown of the conqueror on his head... and Dark Sister in hand as his hand rested on the hilt of it, and the sword Blackfyre in his other hand.

Jaehaerys felt as his back froze. "Daemion..."

Daemion painted an image of the Conqueror himself, sitting on the Iron throne as if he was born for it.

Jaehaerys had seen his father sitting on that throne many times, but no matter how many pillows he placed beneath himself or was careful, he always sat up from the throne wounded and cut, bleeding from his small cuts.

The Dragon's Legacyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें