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With a heavy sigh, I set the phone down and stared at it for a moment, the weight of Jessica's words sinking in. She was right—I needed to get a grip and focus on the task at hand. Pushing myself up from the couch, I stumbled over to the kitchenette, the room spinning slightly as I reached for the half-empty bottle of whiskey on the countertop.

With a mixture of reluctance and determination, I unscrewed the cap and poured the remaining contents down the sink, watching as the amber liquid disappeared into the drain. It was a small gesture, but it felt like a step in the right direction.As I turned away from the sink, my eyes fell on the clock hanging on the wall. The hands seemed to mock me, ticking away the seconds as if counting down to some inevitable reckoning. With a sigh, I forced myself to focus, pushing aside the fog of alcohol-induced haze that clouded my thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and made my way to the bedroom, determined to heed Jessica's advice and lay low until this whole mess blew over. It wasn't an ideal situation, but it was the hand I'd been dealt, and I needed to make the best of it.

Settling onto the bed, I closed my eyes and let the darkness of sleep envelop me, hoping that when I woke, I would have a clearer head and a clearer path forward. But even as I drifted off, the image of the blonde-haired figure on the television screen lingered in the recesses of my mind, a reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond the shadows.
I found myself aboard a majestic cruise ship, a floating palace of luxury and opulence that seemed to defy the very laws of physics. The deck stretched out before me, a sprawling expanse of polished wood and gleaming metal, adorned with plush loungers and elegant umbrellas that provided respite from the blazing sun overhead. The air was filled with the faint scent of saltwater and sunscreen, mingling with the laughter and chatter of fellow passengers as they enjoyed their leisurely escape from the hustle and bustle of Paris.

At my side stood Kate, her laughter echoing in the sea breeze as we reveled in the freedom of our impromptu adventure. But our moment of bliss was shattered by a sudden jolt that rocked the ship, sending shockwaves through the deck and causing us to cling desperately to the rails for support. Before we could react, the hatch beneath our feet gave way, sending us tumbling into the icy embrace of the ocean below.

I gasped as I was abruptly pulled from the depths of sleep, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. Blinking against the harsh light filtering through the curtains, I found myself back in the familiar confines of my own bed."Ah!" I cried out in alarm, my voice echoing in the silence of the room."Good morning," came the calm response from the figure standing at the foot of the bed, his hands casually tucked into the pockets of his impeccably tailored black dress pants."Jay! Jesus!" I exclaimed, sitting up with a start, my mind still reeling from the disorienting transition from dream to reality.He stood there, an enigmatic smile playing at the corners of his lips as he met my gaze with a knowing look. "How did you even get inside?" I demanded, a note of suspicion creeping into my voice.

He raised a single eyebrow in response, a silent acknowledgment that some questions were best left unanswered.

Jay was a renowned interior designer, his name synonymous with elegance and sophistication. But his past was shrouded in scandal, a fact that had landed him in our employ, tasked with ensuring that no rumors or mistakes tarnished our reputation."Heard you fell in love," he remarked casually, his eyes wandering around the room with a critical gaze. "This place is a state," he added, his disapproval evident as he kicked a dirty glass across the floor, the sound of it rolling against the dark polished oak echoing in the silence."That's what love does to you," I grumbled in response, my irritation bubbling to the surface as I reluctantly acknowledged the mess that surrounded me.

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