Fifth Chapter

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POV. Third Person

"Have you ever felt that your life is so frugal that it doesn't matter if you kill yourself, because, whether you live your life or not, you'll still be completely useless?"

"Are you on drugs? 'Cause, if that's the case, share." The black-haired woman was just wearing some white underwear and was watching the board while another woman, blond, with pink underwear was thinking about her next move.

"She's only 13, Asuka."

"As if I didn't start earlier." Aoi was watching the game befall before her while eating her dinner and wearing baggy jeans and a zipped jacket on, with a crop top under. She knew she'll be cold, taking into account it was november. Nonetheless, getting all your clothes from old ones of prostitutes doesn't help in getting modest outfits. Not that she really cared, she was now rather fond of the style, but she needed to look more discreet for her next job. She entered an hour before to Asuka's room, stressed out because Kobayashi had explicitly asked her not to "attract attention" that day and she didn't have anything to wear. Thankfully, sometimes a client would forget a thigh or two and the woman would keep them. Aoi didn't know how someone could forget some pants, but she had increased her wardrobe with three new pants and the jacket. And a crop top with big trousers looked better than she expected, maybe she would start adding the garment to her outfits.

"Maybe that's why you've already lost."

"Huh? What do you mean? You've not moved..." She interrupted herself when Keiko raised her hand and, with a single move, won. "We started literally ten minutes ago. Why aren't you playing Shogi professionally, again?"

"I'm not that good, you're just dumb."

Asuka murmured something that sounded a lot like "bitch" and laid on the floor, looking at the younger girl.

"When are you abandoning us?"

"What?" Aoi asked while slurping the last noodles in her bowl.

"Come on, aren't you tired of being locked up?"

"I'm not really locked up. I'd not hate to see that slut that killed my family die though." The girl commented with no remorse.

Keiko finished cleaning up and chuckled, sitting down next to the other two.

"Isn't she your family too?"


Asoka got up and yelled enthusiastically.

"Let Aoi free!"

"Shhh, sit down, it's almost midnight." Said Keiko, laughing and trying to get the other to get down. Asoka got free of the blonde hands and was about to yell again, laughing too, when Keiko stood up and covered Asoka's mouth. Aoi smiled and informed the others that she had to get out for her work. She heard two fast byes in the middle of the argument, wich continued when she was already outside.


POV. Aoi

I needed a moment before entering the dark alley to take a deep breath.

"You give them the money and go. No problem. And you're strong, so you'll be out nonetheless." I murmured, trying to reassure myself. Entering an alley where gang members, well, not actually "gang members", but whatever, the same, isn't something anyone would want to do willingly.

Before I backed down, not that I could do it, my feet started moving towards the darkness. Once inside I was comforted that I could see good, it looked gloomier from outside.

"You are not Takayoshi."

My head immediately turned to the left, where a black-haired boy, maybe ten centimeters taller, was resting against a wall.

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