He made sure to check that there wasn't anyone in the girls changing room, not wanting to have to run into a girl standing half naked inside. Once he had made sure that it was safe for him to enter, he quickly made his way instead. 

Jiwon sat down on the cold floor, feeling the water still pouring over her. She felt numb all over her body. After a few minutes, she heard a voice, my face instantly brightening up as she knew it was Jungwon. With no energy to speak, she just banged on the door.

"Jiwon, if that's you, bang the door twice!" Jungwon's voice came through. Jiwon followed his instruction, banging the door twice. Jungwon burst in, looking at Jiwon with concern. "Jiwon!" he called out.

He swiftly lifted her up bridal style and settled her on the benches. He quickly took off his jacket and draped it over Jiwon. Despite feeling tired and numb, Jiwon couldn't help but smile at his gesture.

"Let's go to the car," Jungwon suggested, lifting her again in a bridal style.

"No, your car will get wet," Jiwon muttered, looking at Jungwon. Her voice was loud enough for him to hear. Jungwon chuckled at her concern. "You're more important," he said, making Jiwon blush.

"But-" Jiwon started to protest, but Jungwon cut her off. "No buts."

Spending an entire week lying in bed all alone with nothing to do . After what Miyeon had done to her, Jiwon had gotten down with a nasty cold which had later developed into a fever and she had no choice but to rest at home.

Jiwon hadn't imagined that she would have to lie in bed all alone with absolutely nothing to do. After what Miyeon had done, Jiwon had gotten down with a nasty cold which had later developed into a fever and she had no choice but to rest at home.

Jungwon was fully ready to skip school and keep her company, but she didn't want him to miss out on school for her sake. Unable to help her in any other way, Jungwon gave Jiwon the password for his computer as well as his Netflix account. She guessed that it wouldn't be too bad to be home alone, at least this way she could catch up on all those dramas she had been meaning to watch.

Jiwon kept reassuring Jungwon that she was doing fine, but he didn't seem to buy it though. The boy made sure to give her a call multiple times during the day, making sure that she had been taking her medicine and meals. 

The other boys would also text Jiwon every now and then wondering how the girl was doing. Sunoo would often call her during their lunch break so that they all could talk together, as well as updates on whatever happened around in school. Jiwon was ever grateful to Sunoo who would often call her, giving her updates on everything that was happening around in school.

Like always Jiwon was scrolling through Netflix as she warmed up the soup Jungwon had made for her in the microwave. The loud sound of her ringtone broke the silence in the house and she went to take a look at who it was.

Just like she had expected, it was Sunoo that was calling her. She smiled as she picked up the call, but Sunoo hadn't even given the time to say hello, "Jiwon you will never guess what happened in school today."

Sunoo was talking away with so much excitement and Jiwon couldn't even manage to catch anything that he was saying.

"Sunoo, SUNOO! I can't even hear you properly, talk slower."

Sunwoo took a small breather before he started retelling the incident in school, slower this time.

"Someone took fake blood and smeared it all over Miyeon's locker, as well as writing threats with it as well."

"Wait what? You're joking right? There's no way someone did that."

"I'm not joking, someone actually went and did that. My locker is close to Miyeon's so I happened to be there. You should have seen the look on her face, she was completely shaken up from that. It became a pretty big thing not gonna lie."

"Well have they found out who it is?"

"No, the school is still looking into who it might have been. But some of the teachers are suspecting that it might have been Jungwon."

"Jungwon! What has he even done? That's pure bullshit, how could they even think of that?"

"Not gonna lie, I understand why they might think that way, especially after what Jungwon did at the principal's office."

"Sunoo you can't keep leaving things out of the story. What happened at the principal's office?"

"Wait, Jungwon hasn't told you about it? Well after what Miyeon did to you he was pretty damn mad and went to the principal and the school board to talk about it. But Miyeon was sneaky and there wasn't enough evidence so the school board couldn't do anything about it. Jungwon was pretty pissed off by the fact that they let Miyeon go. So the teachers think that Jungwon might have done this to get 'revenge', which just sounds absolutely ridiculous to me."

"I-I had no idea that Jungwon talked to the school board about Miyeon."

"Jungwon was really worried about you, if it wasn't for the fact that they were older than him he probably was ready to throw hands at the teachers. Anyways, he was called into the office today as well, and he got pissed again and decided that he wanted to go back home. He should be back anytime soon."

Just as Sunoo said this, Jiwon heard the front door open, indicating that Jungwon had come home. Jiwon ended the call with Sunoo with a quick goodbye and immediately made her way to the front door.

"Sunoo told me what happened." Jiwon told him.

Jungwon stopped in his tracks for a moment before saying, "I guessed that he would do that."

Jiwon thought a little for a moment before she asked him, "So... was it actually you who did that?" 

"Jiwon, you know me. Yes Miyeon gets on my nerves and I would take any given moment to put her back in her place. But I'm not the kind of person who would do things like this, you know that I'd much rather talk things out with words than with these types of actions." he told her with a dark expression.

"Who do you think that it might have been?"

"I have no idea, it literally could be anyone. Miyeon has way too many haters in school."

The school did spend a couple days trying to figure out the person that had vandalised Miyeon's locker. It didn't help that that specific part of the school didn't have any CCTV so it was almost impossible to find out who it might have been.

The teachers had also chosen to leave Jungwon alone, as they couldn't just continue to suspect him when there was no evidence that pointed towards him. 

Jungwon was a good student and it didn't make sense that a boy like him would do something like this. Besides, his parents owned this school as well, and no teacher wanted to get fired.

After a while the school just stopped looking into the issue as they seemed to be getting nowhere, most students already forgetting it at that point.

Miyeon had been gone for an entire week after that incident, scared that someone held a deep grudge against her.

Miyeon had been gone for an entire week after that incident, scared that someone held a deep grudge against her

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