A hug

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In war and love all is fair.

If in war his enemy was the Wen Clan, then in love it is Jiang WanYin.

That man who did nothing to help his lover, that man who refused to invite him to his sister's wedding, that man who turned his back on him, that man who dared to marry his brother, that man who did not deserve the happiness that I took from him.

When Wei Wuxian returned he did everything possible to protect him, but along the way they came across truths that no one wanted to hear. That detestable man, how dare he treat Wei Ying that way when he was the one who gave him that core that kept him as a sect leader.

The truth behind Nie Mingjue's death, the truth behind Jiang WanYin's golden core. They were the only truths heard that night.

Where are all the others?

Lan Xichen doesn't know where he would beat that moment if it weren't for his A- Cheng, that man who despite being injured refused to let him sink into his lament, that man who came to his Sect and took his own away so that he wouldn't sink into misery and guilt.

"After A- Ling you are the one who keeps me sane in this world A- Huan" said Jiang Cheng cradling his hands on Lan Xichen's face "just as you helped me carry my demons in the past let me help you carry yours in the future present" that promise was sealed with a tender kiss where the witnesses were only them and the Moon.

It took him a while to stop blaming himself but he wouldn't change that
time for nothing, not only the healthy one but also Jiang Cheng, did wounds that although they were not recent were still bleeding. It took 3 more years for Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian to have an uninterrupted conversation from a white- robed cultivator or a living corpse.

At that time her relationship with A- Cheng came to light, although many knew he, they only tried not to for the peace of their teachers.

Lan Xichen thought that from now on everything will be fine, the person who manipulated everyone for his own benefit was no longer there, his brother is by the man's side.

that he loves (despite his uncle) and he, and he knows that the only thing capable of taking that happiness away from him is death.

But here death has form.

During a night hunt where Gusu Lan and Yumeng Jiang met was where everything went downhill.

Lan Wangji hated the thought of his husband and brother being by that man's side.

time of the death of their former Leader.

Everyone knew who he was, but no one dared to say it out loud.

The silhouette sometimes helped the townspeople, other times it simply ignored them... And other times it asked if it could give it a hug.

"JiuJiu would be angry if he sees it this way Uncle Xichen" said Jin Ling standing in front of the white silhouette who was trying to reach the entrance of the dock in search of hisentering the dock in search of his husband "but he would also feel guilty for being the cause of his condition " he said that last thing in a whisper.

It was Jin Ling who put an end to Lan Xichen's lament 3 years after his first appearance, after all he still believed that if Lan Xichen had taken better care of his JiuJiu he would still be alive. The 3 years that their courtship lasted.

Lan Xichen received one hug...
from his husband.

Lan Xichen is on his way to his brother's party, this time he decided to walk, the night before it was not his voice or his face that he saw, but rather his inert body lying on the ground with a sword piercing him. Although he doesn't remember his face, he remembers the feeling of having him in his arms, he also remembers the feeling of wanting that person to hug her back. But he didn't do it.

The emptiness still remains.

When he was going to cross he ran intoSomeone, before the other person fell, pulled him towards him to prevent him from hitting himself. At that moment, Lan Xichen, at 30 years old, felt complete.

"A- Huan," the person in his arms said in a whisper and the emptiness of an unrequited hug disappeared, the person in his arms hugged him back... So A- Cheng returned the hug that he couldn't before.

Gray and purple met and in that moment Lan Xichen remembered, he remembered all those years of dreams, he remembered the love of his life, he remembered how he couldn't protect him, he remembered how he swore to himself that in his next life he would love

"A- Cheng," he whispered.

"I found it," they said at the same time.

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~The End~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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