"You said you wanted to be a field agent like Coulson. Well if you'd like to switch disciplines..." Yn said, as a distant chatter could be heard from in the lab. "Hey, Simmons, what did your S.O give you guys for morning drills?"

"Oh, atomistic attribute drills. Yeah, we'd name the mechanical, chemical, thermal..." Simmons said, Skye did not look impressed or enthusiastic about any of it, as she continued punching the bag pathetically. "Electrical properties of materials..." Fitz started

"Ok, ok, they made your point." Skye told griffin defeated. Yn went behind Skye to get back to the other side of the punching bag. However, before getting there, as she and the past Skye she slightly adjusted her hips again as Skye followed her with her eyes as she went back around. Little did they know Simmons was watching them still a slight smirk on her face as she'd seen the interaction before hand, and the look on Skye's face.

"There will come a moment when you have to commit to this, or bail." She said as she held the bag for Skye. "Every field agent has a defining moment. Ask Coulson. When you have to make the hard call. To either dedicate yourself to this, or to curl up in a ball and run."

"How can you run if you're curled up in a ball?" Skye asked.

"It's my job as your S.O to make sure you do t die before then." She said as she pulled Skye's hand up. "Come on." She hit the bag gesturing Skye to keep punching.

"So what was yours, agent griffin?" Skye asked out of breath.

"Ten minutes." Yn replied, not wanting to answer.

"Your defining moment. Come on, tell me. I wanna know. I could get Coulson to give you some of that truth serum. You could spill your little heart out to me again." Skye said with a little baby voice at the end, mocking Yn.

"You mean my level 1 overshare that miraculously got you to cooperate? I hate to tell you this, rookie, but we don't have a truth serum." Yn said cockily, peaking her head around the bag, Almaty hugging it now rather than holding it as her skinny, yet muscular body pressed against it.

"Changing course. Briefing in three." Mays voice appears through the PA.

"Ah. Looks like we're on the move." Fitz said removing his lab coat. Skye scoffed hitting the bag pathetically with the back of her wrists.

"Shield 616 with new orders, set for Colorado airfield, north." Mays voice came through again. Yn grabbed two water bottles and threw one at Skye as they both followed Fitzsimmons up the stairs.


Once they arrive to the briefing Fitzsimmons are already sat on the white couch, were as Coulson is stood in front of them. Ward also appears in the room from the other side and comes and sits on one of the chairs.

"A few minutes ago, a shield transport was attacked while carrying a priority red protected asset, off route 76 near sterling." Coulson informed them, tapping things on the iPad he's got.

Skye decided to sit in the white almost gaming chair looking thing however looked a bit more comfortable whereas Yn took as seat on the arm of the couch next to Simmons.

"Priority red?" Simmons added.

"The asset was Canadian physicist dr. Franklin hall, known for his work..." started Coulson, flipping around the tablet to reveal the case file on the man.

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