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Alyssanne sat between Aegon and Jacaerys during supper, feeling Aegon's hand holding hers beneath the table. Viserys weakly expressed his gratitude, "It warms my heart to see you all gathered here tonight, together."

Alicent suggests, "Shall we start with a prayer?" and Viserys responds with a simple, "Yes." 

As Alicent offers the prayer, Alyssanne grips Aegon's hand firmly. "May the Mother bless this gathering with her love, and may the Smith repair the bonds that have been strained. And for Vaemond Velaryon, may he find peace in the gods' embrace," she hears, followed by a chuckle from Daemon.

After the prayer, Viserys speaks up, "It appears we have reason for celebration tonight. My grandsons, Jace and Luke, are to wed their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, thereby solidifying the ties between our families," he announces before proposing a toast, "To the young Princes and their betrothed."

As everyone echoes "Hear, hear!" in agreement, Aegon gently traces his fingertips along the lines of Alyssanne's palm, soothing her nerves.

Viserys continues, "Let us also raise our glasses to Prince Lucerys, the future Lord of the Tides." Alyssanne grips Aegon's hand firmly, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. She resents her father's favoritism towards Rhaenyra's children, a stark contrast to the indifference shown to their children, as well as to Aemond and Helaena's children. She harbored envy towards Rhaenyra, coupled with resentment and disdain. Despite bearing three bastards, including Jace and Luke, she perceived Rhaenyra as having evaded consequences for her actions and neglecting her responsibilities.

Viserys expresses a mix of emotions, stating, "I feel both joy and sadness as I look upon the faces gathered here tonight. These faces, so beloved to me above all others, have grown apart over the years." He removes his mask, revealing the right half of his face to be gaunt, his eye socket empty, and his cheek disfigured. Alyssane feels a pang of nausea at the sight. Viserys speaks, "My appearance may not be a handsome one if it ever was. But tonight, I want you to see me as I am. Not just a king, but your father, your brother, your husband, and your grandfather. It seems I may not walk among you for much longer."

He breathes heavily and continues, "Let us cast away the bitterness from our hearts. The unity of the House of the Dragon is vital for the strength of the realm. Lay aside your grievances, if not for the crown's sake, then for the sake of this old man who holds love for you all." Alyssanne's thoughts counter, "He never truly loved us."

Rhaenyra stands and offers a toast to Alicent, "I raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. While I hold deep affection for my father, I cannot overlook the unwavering loyalty and care shown by his devoted wife. She has tended to him with unwavering devotion, love, and honor. For this, she has my gratitude and my apologies." Alyssanne rolls her eyes in response, prompting Aegon to whisper, "Relax. Your irritation is evident to all, Allie."

Alicent responds, "Your kindness touches me profoundly, Princess. As mothers, our love for our children unites us more than we realize. I offer my toast to you and your esteemed house. I do not doubt your capability to rule; you will be an excellent queen."

Jace rises from his seat, offering a toast, "To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. Though the years have kept us apart, I cherish the memories of our youth. As men, may we forge new bonds of friendship and alliance. Here's to the well-being of you and your esteemed family." Aegon acknowledges Jace's words with a nod, though he senses the insincerity behind them. Aemond maintains a stoic expression, showing little reaction to Jace's words.

Beside Aemond, Helaena softly murmurs, "Beware the beast beneath the boards." Alyssanne and Aegon exchange confused glances but decide to disregard it for the moment.  Alyssanne rises carefully, supported by Aegon due to her heavy pregnancy. She says, "I propose a toast to Baela and Rhaena on their upcoming marriages. They just need to find the right person."

Following Alyssanne's toast, conversations spark among the gathered family members, filling the room with chatter and laughter. Alicent quickly calls for the guards to assist Viserys, who has collapsed and is struggling to breathe. They promptly lift him and carry him to his chambers.

A servant arrives with a roasted pig and sets it on the table. Aemond, seated across from Luke, notices his reaction to the sight of the pig and stiffens, recalling the playful pranks that Luke, Aegon, and Jace used to pull on him in the past.  Aemond pounds the table and rises abruptly. "One last tribute," he declares. "Final tribute. To the health of my nephews: Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm... Strong." Aegon and Alyssanne lift their cups in acknowledgment. They are aware of the implications behind Aemond's words, yet they choose to overlook them, allowing Rhaenyra's sons to sense the unease.

Alicent admonishes, "Aemond, that's enough."

Aemond persists, "Come, let us raise our cups to these three... Strong boys."

Jace challenges, "Say that again, I dare you."

Aemond retorts, "Why? It was merely a compliment. Don't you consider yourself Strong?"

Jace retaliates by striking him in the face. Aemond responds in kind, hitting him back. Luke attempts to step in but is halted by Aegon, who forcefully pushes his head against the table.

Rhaenyra admonishes, "Jace, enough!"

Helaena approaches Aemond and inquires, "Why would you utter such words in front of everyone?"

Aemond responds, "I was simply stating my pride in our family, my love. Though it appears our nephews aren't as proud of their lineage."

Jace and Luke, already apprehended by the Kingsguard, are released. Before they can confront Aegon and Aemond physically, Daemon interjects, "Wait! Wait." Aemond and Daemon lock eyes in a tense standoff. Rhaenyra directs her children to return to their chambers.

After the tumultuous evening, Aegon and Alyssanne finally find solace in their chamber, the air heavy with unspoken tension. 

In Aegon's comforting embrace, Alyssanne finds a sanctuary from the day's chaos. The weight of witnessing violence and conflict overwhelms her, tears streaming down her cheeks as she seeks solace in her husband's arms. She attributes her emotional state to the rollercoaster of pregnancy hormones, finding comfort in Aegon's unwavering presence. Aegon tenderly holds Alyssanne, his touch gentle and comforting, though he himself remains composed. "It's alright, my dear," he murmurs softly, his voice steady and reassuring, "I'm here with you. We'll find peace together, even in these troubled times. Just rest now, and know that I'm here for you, always." Aegon remains awake for a while longer, gently stroking Alyssanne's hair until she falls into a peaceful slumber.

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