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warning: mentions of self-harm, angst, smut

In Alyssanne's dream, her wedding to Aegon was a splendid and extravagant event, filled with joy and celebration. She was adorned in a stunning white wedding gown embellished with sparkling rubies. Over her dress, she draped a regal black cloak emblazoned with the sigil of House Targaryen: a crimson three-headed dragon. Aegon was dressed in traditional Westerosi wedding attire, befitting the grand occasion.

Her grandfather, Otto Hightower, escorted her down the aisle, a role she had hoped her father, Viserys, would play. Despite his illness, when Rhaenyra got married, Viserys had been delighted to fulfill the role. At the altar, the septon addressed Aegon, saying, "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."

"Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger," Alyssanne and Aegon recited simultaneously. "I am hers and she is mine," Aegon says, while Alyssanne echoes, "I am his and he is mine."

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity," declares the septon, as Aegon passionately kisses Alyssanne. Alyssanne had never kissed anyone before, not even Aegon. Despite knowing of Aegon's brothel visits during their betrothal, she didn't mind. Unlike Alicent, who disapproved, Alyssanne understood that Aegon needed to experience a free youth. 

She responded to his passionate kiss with equal enthusiasm, desiring it as much as he did. Aegon then lifted her in his arms, carrying her in a bridal style, and proceeded to their new chamber for the bedding ceremony. Alyssanne whispered teasingly into Aegon's ear, "You couldn't wait, could you?" Aegon chuckled softly, his breath warm against Alyssanne's ear, "I've waited long enough, my love. Tonight, I want nothing more than to be with you." Aegon lays Alyssanne on their bed and slowly removes her dress. They kiss passionately till Aegon moves to her neck and kisses it gently. Alyssanne removes his tunic. Alyssanne sits on his lap, feeling his firm length against her thigh.

"Like what you see?" Aegon inquires, noting her flushed gaze. Aegon has a toned physique. She kisses him enthusiastically. Aegon lays her on her back on the bed. He breaks the kiss and proceeds to suck on her breasts. She moans slowly into her ear. Alyssanne moans, "I need you." He inserts his cock between her legs, allowing her to adjust to his length. Their moans could be heard.

"Aegon." Alyssanne moans as Aegon thrusts inside of her, leaving marks on her neck and chest. "You look so beautiful while moaning my name." Aegon gasps and gently bites her neck. Aegon notices the scars on her hand and asks, "What happened here? Did you injure yourself again?" Alyssanne looked away, she didn't want to tell him why she harmed herself using her dagger. "Allie, what's wrong?" asks Aegon. "I harmed myself. I thought I was a useless girl who had no support from her father who walked down her sister to the altar," says Alyssanne, crying. Aegon embraces Alyssanne gently, wiping away her tears. "You are not useless, my love. You are strong and capable. And you have my support, always," he says softly, comforting her.

They go back to making love. Aegon was worshiping her body, kissing it and making her moan.

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