1. Invisible but not to the brown eyes underneath the mask

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A\N: This story is a AU Willicia multi-chaptered story that will be longer than 6 chapters, and one I will not delete at all. This will be riddled with flashbacks, but to make it clear: Alicia is not married to Peter. She's married to Will. So only the show characters matter in this, the events don't. 

Okay time for some backstory information: our favourite couple didn't meet at Georgetown, they meet at a Masquerade party that Veronica is throwing a year before Georgetown, and Will Gardner is instantly drawn to the girl in the red dress with the black mask. They dance and kiss the night away before they leave each other's lives for good. Or so they think. Until they meet at a pool party a year later at Georgetown. 

Updates will be scattered as you Angels are aware of, enjoy my Angels. 


The mask she holds in her hand makes her smile. The black silk is smooth and cold to the touch underneath her fingertips. She didn't know she still had the mask, the mask that introduced her to her husband 19 years ago at her mother's Masquerade party. The party her mother made her attend because it was at the house. 

The Masquerade party that made her rethink love at first sight. 

Flashback, 1990:

Alicia ties the black silky mask at the back of her head, looking at herself in her mirror: she looks pretty  she supposes, in the floor length red dress, heels  on her feet with her hair in curls down her back and the  black silky mask obscuring the top half of her face. She sighs as she leaves her bedroom, hearing the soft music floating  from the ballroom. 

The ballroom is probably the most used room in the house by her mother, who likes to flaunt their wealth by hosting extravagant parties. 

She walks into the ballroom, feeling like Cinderella arriving at the ball late. All eyes are on her as she enters, the doors closing behind her. The music starts up again and she's invisible, just another girl in a pretty mask, face hidden by a mask. Which suits her just fine. 

She likes being invisible. 

She melts into the background, watching as people dance around her, drinking and talking when they're not dancing, enjoying another one of Veronica Loy's parties.

She's watching as another dance ends when she feels a set of eyes on her from across the ballroom. The boy, she notices when she looks where the set of eyes are, is her age, he's wearing a tuxedo with a mask covering his eyes, his hair is a mess, like someone has run their hand through one too many times. He grins at her as he starts walking towards her, walking at the edge of the room to get to her. 

"Hi." The boy says coming to stand next to her, his cologne invades her senses, making her dizzy.

"Hi." She replies. 

He holds out a hand for her. 

"Dance with me?" He asks her. She looks at the hand then at him, well into his brown eyes. They look warm. 

She puts her hand in his, smiling a little when he leads her onto the dance floor, putting on hand on her waist and keeping the other hand in hers. 

"I should warn you, I'm not a good dancer, I don't do well dancing in front of crowds." The boy chuckles, the sound sends her heart racing inside her chest. 

"Just keep your eyes on me, just look at me, don't look at anything else. Just look at me." He says softly just as the music starts up again, playing a slow song, his eyes bore into hers, telling her that she'll be fine with him, and she believes it. 

Alicia doesn't believe in love at first sight, or even love, not anymore, not after her parents divorced when she was younger.

That belief is quickly starting to change after just one look from the brown eyed boy to the invisible girl.

She's twirled around by the boy who catches her, they both smile as he holds her close to him. She rests her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. as he holds her in the middle of the dance floor. 

She doesn't even know this boy's name but she thinks she's starting to fall in love with this brown eyed stranger. He's made her stop feeling invisible. 

For tonight at least. 

For tonight she will believe that this boy will make her visible if it's only to him, and give up on her notion that love at first sight does exist. 

She's brought out of the past by a kiss to the forehead by her husband. She's staring at the mask in the middle of their bedroom with a smile on her face when her husband enters. 

"You okay babe? You look lost in thought." He says, Alicia lifts her eyes from the mask and looks into her husband's brown eyes, the eyes that made her visible to him. 

"Just remembering the night I was invisible to everyone but the brown eyes underneath the mask." She says, dropping the mask and wrapping her arms around her husband and resting her head on his shoulder, her eyes slipping closed as he holds her in the middle of their bedroom.  

Just like he did on the dance floor of her childhood home, he holds her in the middle of their bedroom floor. 


A\N: This is the first chapter of Masquerade, I'm planning on making the chapters longer as the story goes on and adding more POVs and characters, I'm currently working on chapter two. I hope you like the beginning of my new Willica story, Angels. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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