03 - your casual sunday dinner

Start from the beginning

I groaned knowing we were probably late to the dinner and awaiting a lecture once we arrive, hearing a chuckle come from Juliette as she gathered her purse and phone.

"J, I swear to God if your having sex right now I'm going to let Naz kill you both," Kishimoto whisper-shouted. I laughed silently as I saw Juliette's jaw drop, watching another layer of heat and blush form onto her beautiful face.

There was a long pause before Kenji continued. "I spent a very concerning amount of time trying to cook dinner for everyone - and Nazeera is threatening me that I can't do anything right so please, for the love of everything good, get your ass here right now!" I flinched at the foul use of language, knowing I'd lecture him later for giving my Juliette such a warning. "Wait- Don't tell Warner I said that. Anyways, see you soon- Wait scratch that, see you right now, and tell Warner I love him!" and with that he ended the call.

Juliette giggled. "Don't get so angry yet, the dinner hasn't even started, darling." I sighed giving her a peck on the forehead, letting her head fall to my chest as I hugged her against my chest, instinctively wrapping my arms around her small frame. "I'll try my hardest for you, I love you."

"Thank you Aaron. I love you more than you could ever know." she kissed me gently.

"Impossible. I love you most, my Juliette."

This was going to be a long night.

End of Chapter 1.


"Do we have to do this, love? I'd much prefer being curled up in bed with you." My brows furrowed while tightening my grip on Juliette's waist.

She sighed. "Aaron, it's just for an hour or two; you'll survive." Juliette's eyes glimmered with that tempting look she always gives when she wants something. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise!"

I sigh a mumble of agreement - being met with a teasingly long kiss as a reward. Before I could go for seconds, an annoying, recognisable voice disrupted my moment.

"Princess! Warner! You made it, and all fully dressed, may I add?" Kishimoto winked between the two of us, "Now if you're done practically eye-fucking each other, I'd like to eat a fine, luxurious dinner crafted by yours truly, The Kenji Kishimoto."

From the corner of my eye, I spared a glance towards Juliette, noticing that familiar layer of pink spread across her cheeks. "Kishimoto, I don't think such comments are necessary at the moment; wouldn't you agree, love?" smirking at Juliette. She creeped closer to my side, nodding in agreement.

"God, I hate when you guys go against me. J, I thought you were my best friend!" He sniffled dramatically.

"I don't like it when people are mean to my husband." Juliette retorted. "That's my girl." I whispered lowly, subtly biting the shell of her ear. In response, her body shivered, and she hid her head between my neck.

"Naz! Warner and Juliette won't stop making out in front of me!" Kenji weeped, earning both groans from Juliette and I.


To my surprise, Kenji cooked a generous amount of food, actually looking decent.

"Naz! It's been ages, how are you?" I asked while giving her a hug.

"Juliette, it's just been a couple days," Nazeera laughed at my pout. "Things have been great. Well, besides Kenji being a royal pain in my ass." she snickered. Kenji let out a dramatic gasp from the other side of the house. "I heard that!"

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