Together Once Again.

Comenzar desde el principio

Before Han could respond, Hyunjin's voice boomed loudly from the back seat, "HE WHAT!?" The shock in his voice was evident. Minho quickly shushed him, covering Hyunjin's mouth with his hand as he waited for Han to speak.

"I didn't, Felix. You just did," Han chuckled, his voice laced with amusement and a devilish grin on his face.

He was so happy that the cat was finally out of the bag, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. There was no secret for him to keep to himself anymore. He does not like to keep secrets at all.

"And I would never hate you! Why are you saying that!?" Han asked, puzzled.

As they continued to argue about Hyunjin, Minho interjected and grabbed the phone from Han. Without giving Felix an opportunity to respond, he abruptly ended the call after saying, "Just meet us at Grandma's."

Hyunjin was curious about Felix's feelings towards him and asked Han, "He likes me?" He could just not believe this was happening. Han simply nodded in response. Placing his hand on his chest, Hyunjin felt his heart fluttering desperately inside.

The way Felix was freaking out about him made a smile to be permanently etched on his face. Knowing that Felix felt the same way brought him a tremendous sense of relief as if a weight had been lifted from his heart.

Whenever Hyunjin looked at Felix at school, he experienced a sense of déjà vu. Although Felix had just transferred from Australia, it was as if they had met before. Still, Hyunjin could not remember where or when.

Suddenly, he remembered the day when he saw Felix and Minho talking casually in front of the locker room. Felix freaked out when Hyunjin approached them and stopped in front of him. Felix ran away when Hyunjin smiled at him and started talking to Minho. Hyunjin then ignored Felix and was more interested in finding out where his best friend knew him from. On that day, Minho had told him that Felix was his cousin and that he had just moved here.

Hyunjin still held Yongbok's picture and looked at it as Minho drove. The only difference he could see between the picture and Felix was their hair and eye color. Yongbok had long blond hair and deep, blurred ocean eyes, while Felix had dark brown hair and honey-colored eyes. But the freckles and the smile were the same. They were the same person a hundred years apart. How is this even possible?

This confused Hyunjin, who asked Han, "Hannie, does Felix really like me or is this all a joke?"

"You heard him didn't you? If you want to know more about it, you need to ask him yourself. I am not saying anything else," Han replied, turning to look at the street.

Hyunjin felt an electric shock throughout his body, but he didn't understand why. It was as if fate had brought them together. He wondered if this was what Granny Lee was speaking about. 'What if we are the ones who reincarnated from Yongbok and Sam? What if we are meant to be together?' Hyunjin thoughts were running wild in his head and his breathing increased.

Hyunjin gathered his courage and decided to open up to Minho and Han. "You know, guys, I've been feeling this way for a long time now. I like him too. I've liked him since the very first time I laid eyes on him," he whispered to his friends as he kept his gate to his thighs. "It's been years, but I've never dared to tell him."

"Wow, I had no idea," Minho said, surprised. "I'm glad you told me." Hyunjin nodded in response.

The rest of the drive was silent. They were all up in their heads. Minho did not know how to feel about the whole situation. Han was concerned about how Felix would react when he saw him there, and Hyunjin just wanted to find the perfect way to confess his feelings to Felix and kiss him.

The One Who Waited. ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora