Ben 10 x Sanders Sides

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"AHHHHH" I screamed as I fell from the sky. I hit the floor and looked around. It looked like a house. Wait, how the heck am I in a house when I just fell out the sky?! Where the heck am I?

"Hey Patton, there's this weird guy in our kitchen" I heard someone say. Who's Patton?

"Coming in a sec Roman!"

I saw someone with brown hair and a white suit with a red sash. Is this Roman? He looked like he was inspecting me.

"Are you a new side?" He asked

I stared at him confused, "What's a side?"

I heard some running from another direction, "Okay Roman I'm here" A guy with brown hair and glasses said.

"Do you think he's a new side Patton?" The one I'm assuming is Roman asked

Patton also came closer inspecting me, "Don't think so, he doesn't look like Thomas"

"Who's Thomas?" I asked "And where am I?"

"Well Thomas is our....How do I explain this, were sides of his personality" Patton explained

I was so confused. Sides of someone's personality?!

"So what's your name?" Roman asked

"Ben" I reply

"Well I'm Patton and this is Roman!" Patton said excitedly "I'm Thomas' morality and Roman is Thomas' creativity, do you know how you got here?"

"No clue, one moment I was in the middle of battle, next minute I fell here" I reply

"In battle? Are you like a swordsman? Because I'm also one myself" Roman said, pulling out a sword from, somewhere.

"Uhh no I use my watch to transform into a beast to fight" I explain

"That's so cool!" Patton exclaimed "Virgil, Logan, this guy can transform into beasts!"

Who the heck is Virgil and Logan?!

"Patton what are you talking about?" A guy with short brown hair and glasses said as he walked into the room. He sorta looked like Patton, but he had a buttoned up shirt and tie instead.

"Patton whatever your calling me in here for better be good because I was sleeping" Another person said while also walking into the room. He had short brown hair with bags under his eyes. He was also wearing a purple hoodie.

"Ben here can transform into beasts, isn't that cool?!" Patton said excitedly

Logan looked at me funny, "Is this a new side? Because he doesn't look like Thomas"

"No, I was just in my world then I just fell into your house I guess" I said, rubbing the back of my neck

"Well Logan you're the smart one, how do we get him out of here?" Virgil asked

"Well, I don't like this idea but we might have to go to Remus" Logan said. Everyone gasped, while I sat there confused. Who's Remus and why did everyone gasp at the shear mention of his name? Is he another side?

"Logan, if it's because he's a creativity, then why can't I do what your thinking of?" Roman asked

"Because, Remus can teleport people, did you forget?" Logan said (pretend that Remus can teleport people lol)

"Well what are we waiting for? I have to get back to my world immediately" I say in a rush. I need to get back, my home needs me.

"Well first we have to go over to the dark sides area" Patton said. He got up from sitting on a chair and started walking down the hallway. I started to follow him and I could hear everyone else behind me. We walked for quite a while till the hallway started getting darker.

"Uhhh guys, whys it so dark?" I ask

"Are you dense, Patton said this is the 'dark side area', of course it's gonna be dark" Virgil said rolling his eyes, although I could berley see that. Patton knocked on a door and a guy with a hat and snake scales on his face answered.

"What brings you guys here, you never want to visit" The hat guy said

Logan spoke up, "Someone from a different world got teleported here and we need Remus to send him back"

The Hat guy chuckled, "So you finally want Remus' attention? After treating him like a disease all the time?"

My question is, what drama has happened between different sides of someones personality?!

Patton sighed, "Look Janus, we really need Remus to do this"

The guy now known to me as Janus stared at the others for a long time. He finally groaned and let us in. The walls were all back but had yellow stars on them to give it some sort of light. It was actually quite nice.

"I guess I'll go get Remus" Janus said "Don't touch anything"

We all stood there while Janus left the room. I decided to ask what had happened.

"So why is Janus so annoyed with you about Remus?" I asked

"Its a long story, best you don't know" Roman answered. Janus came back in with a guy with short brown hair, of course, but he had a white streak and a moustache.

"So brother  what do I have to do?" Remus asked, glaring at Roman. Brother? Wouldn't they all be related since they are part of the same person? I'm lost.

"We just need you to teleport Ben back to his world, that's all" Roman explained

"Ugh fine, because I know you'll keep bothering me if I don't do it" Remus then turns to me and starts waving his hands about. I start to feel dizzy and my vision goes worse. I see Patton and Roman waving me goodbye while the others just stand there. I was going to wave back but my body felt so heavy. Then everything turned black...

I woke up with a start. I looked around. I'm back in my house? So Remus must have teleported me correctly? Or maybe it was a dream...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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