A Hero's Life| CHP 3

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"I wonder if Momo will be okay.."

Yeah I think she will Deku.. but we can only hope for the best..

"What even happened? The heroes won't tell us shit!"

"B-Bakugo! Calm down.. no reason to shout"


Bakugo said before walking off..

It's okay.. no one can get mad at him for being angry..

"All those deaths... And for what.."


I don't know.. let's just get out of here and go meet up with Todoroki.



"Are you alright Uraraka?"

Yeah I'm fine.. Todoroki

"So what are we going to do? I mean we can't leave campus.. because Ochako can't leave.."

"Maybe we should spread the word."

Do you think the teachers will allow that?

"It depends.. it's better not to take that risk.. because if we do we might end up getting in trouble and causing worse things to happen, and then Ochako would be sad.. and we don't want that because she's already been.. .. . ... ..."

Deku started.. blabbering again.. I didn't really mind tho, I thought it was cute.

Well then, maybe we can practice using our quirks?

"Huh?, well maybe.. but if that's the case, I'll let you and Todoroki train alone.. when I train it can become a bit hectic.."

Oh I understand..

"I'm actually down with that, maybe we should find some more people tho."

Yeah you're right Todoroki.. hey Deku can you help us find people to train with?, I have a feeling.. that won't be the last villain attack..

"I didn't even think about that.. but you might be right.. so I'll help!"

Okay then




Not a lot of people agreed.. since most of us had things to do..

But, Kirishima, Bakugo, Jirou, and Mina agreed.

"So what're we gonna be training for! Oh, I hope it's something manly!"

"Shut your trap! All you say is "manly" this, "manly" that!, goddamnit!"

Bakugo don't be rude..

"Round face I wasn't talking to ya!"

Gosh calm down..

"I say we practice dancing!"

"Weren't we here to train for possible upcoming attacks?"

Thank you Jirou!, and yes we were. So let's get on track everyone!



"This is so manly!!"

"But I wanted to dance.."

Mina we can dance later okay?

"I'm already over it haha! Let's train..."

"For Momo!"




We spent the whole day training, and it ended as quickly as it began, although it was a bit tiring..

I'm exhausted and I need to lay down..

|Cut| (sorry)

I'd decided I'd stay over at Mina's dorm.

Sorry we can't dance tonight.. I'm exhausted.

"Me too, I don't blame ya, anyway you can take a shower, I'll be out here waiting for you."

Okay then I'll be out soon

'Mina's shower was always scolding.. I don't know how she showered without getting boiled alive..'


Alright I'm out.. that water was really hot..

"I can tell.. your neck is red.."

Really?, wow.. I think you need a maintenance man to come and check that out..

"It's perfect like that!"


You're a psychopath.

"Hey! I'm just telling the truth"

No you're just a psychopath.

"Am no-"


"Whatever, come on get over here!!"

I chuckled before walking over to her and sitting down on the bed right next to her

Your bed is comfy.. all tho your dorm room is a bit cramped

"I just have taste!"

*Cough* bad.. *Cough*

"What did you say?"

I said my bad.. for coughing what did you think I said?

"I thought you said my "taste" was shit!"

I would never say that.. I'm not mean like you!

"I'm not mean either, I just keep it real~"

Haha.. lol


I definitely did... Not..

"Okay mmhm."

Whatever..I'm worn out, I'm gonna go to sleep.

"That's fine, but don't kick me in your sleep like you always do.. I remember one time you used your quirk on me when you were sleeping.. and I had to call Tsu to come and get me down.."

Oh I remember that.. it was embarrassing.

"Imagine how embarrassing that was for me."

Hahahahaha. Yeah yeah.. good night

"Night, floaty"



"Hey Ochako wake up!"

"Ochako get up! Now!"



W-What's wrong?


I was half asleep and couldn't really comprehend anything..

"Look on the news!"


I looked over at her TV.. to see myself on the screen?.. but bloody.. and... HIMIKO TOGA?!?!

A Girl And Her Feelings  (A Togaraka fanfic),Where stories live. Discover now