The end after the end

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     Its been two years since ej's death, two long horrible years of torture from Joesph and yourself. Its the anniversary of that day and your husbands gone on business again, everything is way to much like that day, for lunch you even made the pizza you shared with ej's friend, who has visited you a couple times. As you were removing the pizza from the oven you hear a familiar voice...
     "Hey there old friend.." it was Jeff you both have been different sense Jack died. You turned to him with a weak smile holding the hot pizza.
     "Wanna slice? Like old times?..." you place the pizza on the table and Jeff hugged you. You two stayed like that for a few moments, you both shed some tears and as you ate the pizza Jeff shared stories about him like he's done before. You didn't tell Jeff but the stories just made you sadder and blamed yourself more... after Jeff's nice visit you gave him some food and a water bottle to go with.
     "Goodbye Jeff.." you said with a soft smile. Jeff smiled back,
"Till I see you again." You never replied, you couldn't for some reason... before he left he said something odd. "You know Y/N.. sometimes I hear his voice in the wind while I'm in the woods." You froze thinking about ej's voice and all the dreams you've heard him in sense he's died. After Jeff leaves you stared at the back yard and at the spot where you last saw Jack laying... lifeless...

     You couldn't do this anymore, thinking about Ej makes you think about what you messed up. You hate Joesph it's impossible to stay civil with him anymore! You hate yourself and you hate your life." You're just looking through the nightstand on Joe's side of the bed then you lay your hands on the revolver... it could be just that easy, your suffering would all be over. But what about Joesph? What would happen to him? You loved him at some point right?.. maybe if you just convinced him to do couples therapy.... No! He'd never do that, and he'll never change! You don't love him anymore. You want out of this miserable life!

     You fall to the floor not even able to remember it happening.. but it's just over.. your eyes close and your body shuts down. Is this how Ej felt in his last moments? Will you see him again?...


Jeff's POV-

Y/N did not look good yesterday... man I see why Ej hated that guy he's so horrible to them! I should go see them again today. I go through the woods to Y/N's house and I stepped in through the back door like always, but I couldn't see them like usual. Something felt off... I wandered through the house, I found them... it was too late.. I grabbed a blanket and covered their body and put a pillow underneath what was left of their head, it was hard to look at.
"Tell Jack I said hi ok?..." tears roll down my face looking at my best friend's love like this... I left after writing a note to her awful husband based on the things told me, all from her point of view. Once I signed it with her name I left in tears into the woods.
"Ej! You can be with her again...!" I cried out, the image of her burned into my brain rippling me apart


Once Joesph came back home after another one of his work trips, the lie he used to sleep with other women. After a week of no phone calls he thought his disappointing wife had found out. When Joe got him he yelled and screamed and insulted his wife for not coming to greet him at the door. He stomped up the stairs cursing, when he found her and the note he was quiet but angry...


You woke up, you thought maybe it was a dream but you saw the stain of your blood on the wood floor, you then looked around most things were abandoned in the house. You went to the bathroom and what would you know? You could see through yourself. You freaked out and tried to punch the mirror but couldn't. Then you trying to throw something. The object floated and slammed against a wall. For some time you roamed around the house just trying to figure out what's happened. No one lives here now... but everything's just left.... You move to the back porch and stare out into the woods. A figure appears in the woods, it feels familiar...
"My love... it's so early..." Jack... he crossed the yard not a single blade of grass crumpled underneath his steps. He reached out for a hesitant second, as you slowly stretched out your hand to his, you could hold his hand! You both smiled in shock. After a moment Ej pulled you in for a deep kiss. One thing was different about him though...

"Your eyes, they're beautiful.." he had beautiful deep blue eyes, more beautiful then I had ever imagined.
"You're beautiful..." he smiled you hugged for a long moment, you were finally together, now no one can pull you apart. You both were happy and at peace. "Jeff told me I could be with you now." He had a bit of a sad smile, then you knew Jeff had found you, and you imagined the horrible feelings he must've felt.
"I hope he'll be ok."
"It's Jeff, he'll be fine." Ej laughed.
"Won't he be lonely?" You looked down.
"Nah, I have a feeling he'll be just fine." You two walked inside the house, this now haunted house. Once you two got more comfortable with being ghosts it became easier.


Jeff's POV-

After a year of Y/N being gone, I decided to go to the house to see what had become of it. I was surprised to see it was completely left alone. It was night so I slipped in through the back door, everything was just left behind. I wandered through the house, I don't know if it is just me but I kept hearing odd noises in the house...


Jeff has come to visit but you and Ej didn't know how to get his attention until Ej had an idea. He turned on the tv while Jeff was in the living room, he turned it to Jeff's favorite tv show. Jeff spoke.
"Hey guys, I've missed you." He smiled even though you could see he was struggling. You and Ej look at each and decide to try something. You both covered his eyes with your hands for a moment then removed them. Jeff jumped and stared at the two of you. Could he see you?
"Y/N! EJ!... it's really you?!" He could! Ej smiled.
"Hi old pal." Ej hugged Jeff, he couldn't hug back but it was obvious he could feel it. You guys talked for a long time, there was a lot of tears and laughter. Everyone was finally happy, you and Ej were together, and all three of you had a place to call home.

After some time you and Ej became comfortable in your ghost bodies, you learned how to slept and move things. Jeff learned how to be best friends with a ghost. After life was bliss. You and Ej stayed in the master bedroom and Jeff took over the guest room. Things stayed like this for a very long time, you truly did get your wish in the end... and after a very long time, Jeff had joined you and Ej as a ghost. And there you three lived together forever. Finally getting that happily ever after

The One That Almost Got Away (EJ x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now