Genevieve and Evelyn were at breakfast as soon as it started on Saturday morning. They kept an eye on Professor Fig and once he left the pair darted up from the table and made for Brocburrow via the floo flame.

They knew that following the same path as Fig they were bound to end up crossing each other eventually but with any luck that would be before he could send them back. They followed the path out of Brocburrow. It was actually a fair bit in the wilderness and they both eventually paused when they caught sight of the camp in the distance. The glow from fires lit it up.

"Time to wait," said Evelyn.

"I'm surprised we beat him here," said Genevieve.

"True Uncle El's not that old."

"How kind Evelyn." They both spun to see a very disapproving looking Professor Fig.

"I told you both to stay back at the castle."

"And you think going alone to face a load of goblins on your own is a good idea?" asked Genevieve who had grown more comfortable challenging her mentor. At least when it came to his own safety. Professor Fig shook his head.

"Ten points each from Ravenclaw for disobeying a teacher. However, good the cause. I ought to take you straight back to the castle."

"That would be a waste of time. Every second we don't find Rowland is time he's in danger." protested Evelyn. "And Gen is right I can hear from here that is NOT a one wizard job." Professor Fig ran a hand over his face.

"You girls are incorrigible. Fine. But you obey every order I give you do you hear?"

"As long as it's not tell us to go back to the castle without you sure," said Genevieve and she saw her mentor give an exasperated sigh.

"Alright then. Disillusionment charms on. We'll take them by surprise." Both girls nodded. They peered around the edge and Genevieve counted five goblins. Not bad odds. Just loud enough for them to hear Fig counted to three and they attacked.

"Levioso, descendo, confringo!" she cried hitting one that had it's back to her. Evelyn disarmed another and sent it's ax back at them with a slightly sickening crunch. Professor Fig had taken out two others at once levitating them and tossing them into a tree. Genevieve saw one aiming to throw it's ax at her mentor and called up her ancient magic striking the goblin where he stood exploding him to ash.

The camp cleared they all paused to breath.

"That was quick," said Evelyn pointedly and Genevieve saw her mentor send his surrogate niece a warning look.

"Search the camp for any sign of Rowland or Ranrok," he said and they spread out. Genevieve went into one of the tents and found a journal.

She called Fig and Evelyn over.

"It's a journal entry from Rowland. Apparently, the loyalists were getting aggressive whenever he asked any questions and were interested in drilling materials."

"You think they were using the drills to find more ancient magic?" asked Evelyn who had been told about the repository in Rookwood castle.

"It seems likely. Ranrok is unable to access them naturally so he clearly has to force his way through," said Professor Fig.

"Rowland was becoming scared," said Genevieve feeling concern for the metal trader.

"Look another map," said Evelyn and they all gathered round. The map was made of landmarks.

"I do recognize some of those thankfully," said Fig. "Miriam and I didn't just travel abroad. It ends at the Korrow Ruins."

"Auntie Mims did like exploring the valley she took me with her sometimes," said Evelyn and Genevieve smiled slightly at the nostalgia on both Fig and Evelyn's faces. It seemed once again Miriam helped to guide them even from the grave.

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