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"Hello? Hello, can you hear me?" My eyelids flicker open only slightly, enough to see a brunette blur of hair lean over my chest.

I have no energy to spare and I close them once more, taking no notice nor care.

A man's voice came from beside me, sucking air through his teeth, "She's conscious but only just,"

"Will she be alright?" A hopeful voice perked up, belonging to a woman.

A high-pitched noise is brought close to me, enough to bring me back to reality. I gasp, eyes snapping open to two figures and an azure blue light shining on my face. Impossible. How can anyone be here? I must be dreaming. Nobody comes here.

"Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you. See? Here to help." The man raises his hands, as if to comfort me.

I blink at him, eyes adjusting to the light. Then, as if I had only gotten my senses back now, I scramble backwards, tense and terrified. I haven't seen anyone in weeks. Atleast, I think it had been weeks. I haven't been able to really keep track of time, its sort of all blurred into one.

My voice comes out hoarse and wobbly, clearly not reassured by his words, "W-who are you? Why are you here? Get away!" My eyes dart onto the ground, unwilling to meet his own.

I notice, but do not dare to watch him, put away something in his pocket, clearing his throat uncertainly. My thoughts scatter instantly and am only brought back to present when the woman crouches down next to me, far enough to keep myself somewhat stable.

"My name's Rose, what about yours?" She says gently, but I can tell shes wondering if I'm sane or not.

Rose. Like the girl in Doctor Who.

"Why?" I ask her, and then with a second thought, "M..Michelle." I tell her, Rose, even though I'm wrecked with panic. My name is so precious to me as it's one of the only things I remember. I tell her and I think it's because, even if it were a dream, theres a chance I can get out of here. Slim as it may be, I need it.

The man put his hand out and I can feel his smile. He's trying, I'll give him that, "Well, um, Michelle, how about you join us now?"

I pull my hand back and grip over it with the other, shaking. I do not trust him, however familiar his voice may sound. I don't feel safe around anyone, anywhere. They could be lying, could do this just to take me away again.

"Hey. Hey, Michelle, look at me. I promise you I can get you out, it's alright if you don't trust me. You don't need to, I'll find a way. Just," he sucked in a breath as my eyes slowly drift up to meet his, confusion washing over my features, "just come with us. Please."

"B-but, you.. you..." I splutter. He looks like.. well, he looks like the tenth doctor. The tenth doctor. As in, David Tennant. But, 2005 version. How? He's wearing the same striped brown suit as he did in the show.

Rose. I widen my eyes, twisting my head around to his companion.

"Impossible." Is the last thing I say, the last bit of disbelief as I slump down, seemingly faint.

He catches my head, reflexes too fast for ones of a human and exhales the breath he had been holding.


I open my eyes slightly, only to catch a glimpse of a plaster wall, grey and dull. I look up instead, craining my neck to see the same man as before and.. holding me up. No. Scratch that, carrying me. Bridal style. Cool breeze meets my face as my body shakes with his arms and he runs, his face sketched with concentration.

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