"Not a bad suggestion," Orion considered his wife's words, "we wouldn't have much of another option if we want to connect our two families. Besides, there has yet to be a marriage into the Greengrass family. It could be fresh, yet pure blood. The match is so perfect, I can't believe we hadn't seen it earlier."

"Think of amenities to offer Lord Greengrass," Arcturus instructed his son, "I'd like to obtain a deal as soon as we're out of here. The girl seems to be about four years Regulus' junior. A betrothal would likely be the best contract to offer, with wedding months after graduation."

"A wedding," Melania sighed dreamily, "it's been awhile since we've had one in our family. I hope to see our Regulus as a husband soon. He's of excellent stock, so even if the Greengrass contract won't work out, I'm sure there are other eligible pureblood girls waiting for his hand."

Regulus watched his family discuss his fate, not once even considering his feelings. Is this why Sirius grew so jaded with their family? Did he too feel this horrible feeling in his gut? He was only in his fourth year, and Leanne Greengrass was in her first. Even if they ended up choosing Gloria, his own grade mate, it still wouldn't be fair, as he was completely unattracted to her. He felt horrible for thinking this, he was a good pureblood boy, but was this truly just?

The brother-in-laws finally pull themselves together, and get back to their threatening of Leopold.

"Larissa is like a sister to me," Ansel threatened, his bulky German (really half-Russian) self towering over Leopold, "if even a sliver of a crack appears on her heart because of you, they won't be able to pry you from my grasp."

Leopold was suddenly understanding the warning that Jacob Scamander had given him. The Delancys could be pleasant enough, but mess with one of their own, and you were digging your own grave.

"Now, now," Ajax Abello-Delancy smirked, "we wouldn't want you to go to prison for the hypothetical vermin that would break Rissa's heart. We'd simply get him put in prison. I'm a rather dab hand at forging and even better at acting. I can frame a person for any crime in my sleep. Should he hurt my cousin, I wi-"

"That jerk is as smug as ever," Guenevive fumed, before calming down, "at least it's on Rissa's behalf this time."

"Abello certainly grew up well," Serena nudged her sister, teasing grin on her face, "are you sure he's not attractive at all?"

"His pretty face isn't the problem," Guenevive got all frazzled, her face puffing up in anger, "it's his horrible arrogance that bothers me."

"Daddy!" Dorea Abello-Delancy tramples into Ajax's feet mid threat, blonde hair ruffled and out of it's pigtails, "Lucas is being mean. He pulled my hair and said my bows were stupid and for babies." Ajax instantly stops his threat to Leopold, his entire being dedicated to his daughter

"Get your kid under control Connor," Ajax hissed at his brother-in-law, bending down to fix Dorea's hair, "it's alright Dorea. I'm sure Lucas didn't mean to hurt your feelings. He's just feeling insecure because you're so pretty today. Seven year olds have a hard time regulating their emotions."

"Is no one else amused at how he stopped mid-threat to re-tie his daughter's hair?" Marlene asked her friends, "it's such iconic behavior."

"More like good dad behavior," Lily countered, "but yes, it is rather funny."

"But I'm seven," Dorea protested, her big brown eyes welling with tears, "and I can regitate my emotions."

"Regulate," Ajax corrected, wiping his daughter's tears away gently, "and you're just more emotionally in tune. Studies do show that girls have a higher emotional intelligence, love. Basically, it means that you're better at knowing your feelings. I'm sure Lucas will apologize soon."

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