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"It's okay girls," Luna whispered. "We're okay."

Madeline laid in bed with sweat beads over her face as she tossed and turned. Her dreams went from boring and dull to the night she suppressed for years.

Footsteps from the stairs continued to get louder as well as the yelling and breaking. "Daddy.." Madeline cried in a whisper. Not because she was trying to be quiet. But because she was scared he wouldn't come back.

Her head was starting to spill. She couldn't wake up. Her fists started to ball up around the sheets the longer she stayed asleep.

Gunshots fired throughout the house and a scream echoed across the house. It was her father. "John!" Luna cried. She held her daughter's close to her chest as she tried her best to hold back her sobs.

Madeline couldn't believe her ears. Her sister could hardly move let alone stop staring at the floor. "Evie!" she cried. "Evie!"

"I can hear him.." she whispered.

Madeline's eyes were burning even when closed. She had to force herself awake. She couldn't stay in this memory. What happens next is not something she's proud of.


Sitting in the middle of the grass, Madeline wrapped herself in a jacket her sister packed for her. It smelled like the cheapest detergent they could afford that didn't irritate your skin too much.

She looked over the distance as Angel and Raven talked and laughed not too far from her. Even with what happened the night before, they seemed to still find the joy in some things.

"Mind if i join you?" she heard. She looked up covering her eyes from the sun to see Alex with his arms crossed. She nodded offering him the open spot.

For a minute they sat in silence watching everyone enjoy their time. Until he asked, "What's that scar on your eyebrow for?"

Her hands lifted to touch the area she tried to hide behind a hat or makeup. Her nightmare made her forget all about it. "Something from my past.." she put plainly. "Not to proud of how i got it."

The boy nodded as he shifted his weight so he rested on his elbows. He didn't pry any more questions out of her putting a smile on her face. "You don't think it's weird we're all going after this random Shaw guy?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she undid her crossed legs. "I think it's weird that you think it's weird." she joked. She noticed as he pushed a small smile away. "I mean seriously.. Mutants with powers like Shaw could destroy worlds if he wanted to."

He shrugged now dropping another conversation. As he looked around the area, his eyes stopped for a second before turning back to see Raven watching in amusement as Angel flew in the air. "Think you got a stalker." he laughed.

She looked to where he was mentioning and saw Charles looking at her as he took a sip from his mug. She could feel him getting into her head but only barely let him in.

I need to talk you. Alone.

She furrowed her brows ready to reply but he walked away with a smirk on his lips and back into the building. "I'll be back.." she said getting up.

"Don't care." Alex tried to play off. She looked at him one more time before heading into the building to find the man that summoned her.

She only walked a few feet into the hallway when she heard a noise come from the kitchen. Walking into the small area, she saw as he set his now empty mug down and started to pour another cup. "Is that all you drink?" she asked.

He smiled to himself finishing his cup before setting the kettle back. "No, actually." He turned around leaning on the counter and faced her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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