Start from the beginning

Once they had arrived back at her house, Sofia was already awake and making breakfast for everyone, Logan sitting at the kitchen counter with tired eyes. Oscar greeted his best friend and Sofia at the same time, with the ginger girl narrowing her eyes at Amelia who swore she would wake Logan and Sofia up to go with her to pick him up.

"You, Miss Lasso, are a liar." Sofia pointed at her.

"You guys were snoring SO LOUD last night by the way." Amelia responds as Logan looks at her.

"That was her, she's like a chainsaw." Logan points at his girlfriend, clearly tired from Sofia's snoring keeping him up all night.



Amelia hummed quietly as she sat in her seat, nowhere near Sofia who was on the other side of the room. She had been looking around and had already spotted her parents crying quietly, her sisters smiling proudly, and Oscar looking at her like she was the only girl to ever walk the earth.

Her nerves finally started to kick in when they began calling names, but she let those subside for a moment when Sofia was called to the stage. She joined in with Sofia's parents and Logan cheering loudly, a few of the other students looking at her with furrowed eyebrows but she didn't care.

Sofia smiled at her and scrunched her nose at her best friend, the girl prepared to do the utmost when it was finally Lia's turn to walk the stage. Oscar sat forward when her row started to move, eyeing the girl carefully as she stood behind a few other people.

"Amelia Lasso, graduating with a Masters in Automotive Engineering."

Amelia laughed quietly as she heard her family, Sofia's family, Logan, Sofia and Oscar cheering and clapping like maniacs as she walked the stage to collect her diploma. She stood beside her professor and got her photo taken with him, looking up at her family briefly as she walked off-stage and back to her seat.

Once the ceremony was finally over, Sofia found herself weaving through the crowds to find Amelia in time to throw their caps in the air together. The two girls looked at one another as they did it, smiling at each other before wrapping their arms around one another with complete and utter happiness.

Sofia left the room as quickly as she could, and Amelia was about to follow suit until one of her classmates walked over and started talking to her. Her family had gone outside to wait for her, but Oscar weaved his way through the students to get to her, standing a little behind her so she could finish her conversation.

"See you at work." The guy winked, pointing behind her as she turned and saw Oscar standing there with a smile on his face.

"Miss Smart Cookie." He joked, holding his hand out for her as she took it without hesitation. She waved off her friend before walking away with Oscar, the two reuniting with her family who were all smiles and sunshine, congratulating her.


It was a little later in the day now, and after a rather large lunch paid for by Amelia's parents, they were now back at Amelia's 'childhood' home for the Graduation Party. Oscar was sitting with Amelia's sisters under the pergola, the sun shining down on the entire garden, and it was hot for once in the UK.

He excused himself from the table when he caught a glimpse of Amelia by herself, her sisters watching as he made his way over to her and watched the smile immediately make its way onto her face when she spotted him.

"She's so in love with him it's unbelievable." Allison laughs softly.

"It's actually quite sickening, she's full on love sick for the kid." Amie joins in.

They watched for a moment before their Mum came to sit with them, asking what they were staring at. Amanda looked in the same direction and smiled at the sight of them, Anthony joining them not long after.

"So I uh... I got you a present." Oscar speaks as Amelia looks at him.

"You didn't have to get me anything." She replies, but Oscar shakes his head and presents her with a neatly wrapped giftbox. He watches closely as she unwraps it, opening the flat blue box inside to reveal a gold heart necklace, a simple but very cute piece of jewellery.

"Osc this is so sweet." She looks up at him as she takes it from the box, admiring the golden jewellery.

"You want me to put it on for you?" He questions, the girl nodding her head as he takes it from her.

She turned around and moved her hair out of the way for him, the Aussie boy carefully placing the pendant on her neck and clasping the chain at the back. She let her hair fall back over it and turned around again, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.

"I also have something else for you." He grins cheekily.

"Oscarrrrr." She whines, taking the envelope from his hands.

He watched her as she opened it with care, opening the top of the envelope to take a peak inside before she pulled out its contents. She opened the folded piece of paper up, reading through the letter with a smile on her face.

"I feel like you have something to ask." She looks at him when she finishes, the Aussie boy trying to hide the smile on his face.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks softly, watching the smile on her face widen as she nods her head.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Oz." She beams, wrapping her arms around his neck. He let his slip around her torso, standing up from the swinging chair and pulling her up with him into his arms, sharing a sickeningly sweet kiss for everybody to see.

"Did he finally do it?!" Logan shouts loudly, earning a middle finger from Oscar in response.

"Finally." Amelia jokes as she looks up at him.



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