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Sun was foreign in the UK during the spring, it rained for the majority of the day and would be cloudy for the rest. It was an understatement that Amelia had missed the beautiful sunshine, the warm air was a mood booster and it almost felt like she was over Mason.

Oscar had woken up before anyone else in the condo they'd rented for the week, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he walked through to the kitchen. Amelia was sitting at the kitchen counter with her laptop in front of her, the girl's eyes snapping up as Oscar stared her down.

"I hope you're not doing Uni work." He spoke groggily, narrowing his eyes at her as he rounded the counter to see what she was doing.

"I'm gonna tell Logan, y'know that right?" Oscar grins, getting a slight glimpse of her dissertation before she shut the lid of her laptop.

She looked up at him from where she was sitting and smiled softly, and she was blind if she couldn't see the pure adoration Oscar had for her. Completely blind, but then again, Oscar couldn't blame her for not seeing that, because her ex had treated her like shit for so long.

Oscar wondered what their relationship was like, because on social media it looked perfect, but for Mason to cheat on her 3 times and text an array of girls behind her back, it wasn't perfect, it was completely fucked.

Oscar also thought Mason was an absolute moron, he lost someone so special, so headstrong, so intelligent, so incredibly gorgeous. He was lying to everybody about his crush on her, it was so intense that he felt hazy every time she looked at him just that little bit too long.

"Maybe let's keep this between us." She replies quietly, pouting at him.

"Okay, fine, but today if you even so much as look at that laptop I will tell him." Oscar warns her as she furrows her eyebrows.

"Why today?"

"Because it's our birthday?"

Amelia's eyes widened as she tapped her phone screen, the date displaying April 6th, 2022. She looked back at Oscar as he laughed, the girl having not believed that it was their birthday today.

"Happy Birthday, Lulu." He beams, the girl feeling butterflies swarming her stomach at the nickname.

"Happy Birthday, Osc."

Oscar felt like someone had just shot him with a cupid's arrow, the way she said his name made him feel delirious like she'd put him under some sort of spell. He was completely and utterly in love with her, but he didn't dare tell her that, she was still hurting and it would be wrong to spring that on her at this moment in time.

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