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Amelia smiled tiredly as she stood in Heathrow Airport with her headphones on, the girl waiting around for Oscar to finally appear. A little girl was standing in front of her with her Mum, the little one bursting into tears when her father raced over to her.

She smiled at the interaction, the Mum joining in with the hug, and it warmed Amelia's heart to see people so happy. It might be 7 in the morning, but no amount of sleep deprivation can contain her excitement at finally seeing Oscar again.

Minutes were passing by quickly, and her patience was wearing thin. She decided to find a coffee shop, grabbing one for her and one for Oscar who she had a feeling had not slept at all, just like she hadn't.

Going back to her original waiting space, her music continued to blast through her headphones as she waited as patiently as she could for some sign of Oscar. Fortunately for her, she didn't have to wait long, because the Aussie came bounding through at around 8:15 am after waiting for his luggage and going through customs.

She pulled her headphones off and let them rest around her neck as he approached her, the girl wrapping her arms around his neck as he let his wrap around her torso tightly. A few people watched with smiles on their faces, both of them pulling away a little to share a kiss.

"I was beginning to think your plane had gone missing." Amelia smiles softly as he shakes his head.

"Customs took forever." He responded, pulling away from her as she held out the cup of coffee in front of her.

"It might be cold." She admits, watching him take a sip and shrug his shoulders.

"It's luke warm, so you're not in trouble."

He smiled at her as she slipped her hand in his, walking him through the airport and to the car park where she may or may not have forgotten where she'd parked. Oscar looked at her with narrowed eyes as she moved to stand on a bollard outside, pressing her lock key twice as the lights lit up in the distance.

"Did you sleep?" Oscar questions as he puts his luggage in the boot.

"Nope, did you?" She looks at him as he shakes his head.

"I got like 3 hours if that, too excited to see you." He grins, watching the blush form on her cheeks.

"You're doing that on purpose now."

That he was. The way she'd blush every time he said something remotely cute about her, or to her, made him feel fuzzy inside. It was almost as if her ex never complimented her, like she'd never been told how gorgeous she was or how smart she was, and he wanted to change that.

He admired her the entire drive back to her house, listening to her hum quietly along to the music on the radio, her toned down 'road rage' making him laugh. Someone had decided to cut her off on the motorway, but she was too polite to beep the horn, so Oscar reached over and did it for her.

"Oscar don't do that!" She scolds him, slapping his hand away as he continues his fit of laughter.

"You're too nice, that guy nearly crashed into you." He proceeded to tell her but she just shook her head at him.

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