Namjoon Cries From Stress

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A/N: Hello Army, Cover by Hells07dealer thank you to her

First of this is where I got my inspiration from

Without wasting anymore time here we go.

2019 at the dorm just after the Speak Yourself tour was finished

The Hyung line had gone out that day which meant Namjoon had to stay with the Maknae line which was fine, Namjoon could handle it. He through.

The Maknae line was so chaotic that day that Namjoon was trying his best not to start crying."Guys, please can't we sit and watch something for a bit?" he asked while rubbing his forehead

 "Are, you okay, Hyung?" asked Jimin voice laced with concern

Jungkook and Taehyung hadn't noticed Jimin's concern they were too busy play-fighting. Namjoon looked at Jimin with a tired smile and sat down.

Jimin noticed Namjoon's tiredness so he shouted at Taehyung and Jungkook to stop fighting. 

Jungkook turned around and gave Jimin a what look. Jimin pointed at Namjoon who at this point was falling asleep. 

Namjoonie, Hyung are you okay? asked Taehyung

Namjoon signed, "I'm okay Taetae, can you guys keep it down so I can take a nap? he asked eyes still half closed

Okay Hyung," smiled Jungkook

Namjoon managed to nap for an hour until he heard the Taehyung fake crying at Jungkook.

"AH, Jungkookie, why did you do that," whined Taehyung"

Taehyung, keep it down you wake Namjoon Hyung," scolded Jimin softly

Jungkook looked over at Namjoon and saw he was awake, "Too late," he said"

Sorry, Hyung, were we too loud?" asked Jimin

"It's fine," said Namjoon with a small smile"

Hyung can we have Maknae line time to talk between us? asked Taehyung

Namjoon nodded and said, "Sure, Tae," 

The Maknae line went to the bedroom In Jimin's Bedroom

"Does, Namjoonie Hyung seem stressed to you?" asked Jimin

"Yeah, but isn't he usually stressed?" asked Taehyung

 "No, Jimin's right, Namjoon Hyung seems really stressed, he keeps rubbing his head," said Jungkook with big eyes"

Then we just have to look after him," said Taehyung Suddenly the Maknaes heard Namjoon scream and a door bang."What the hell?" said Jungkook

The Maknaes went to the sitting room but Namjoon wasn't there so they checked the bathroom he still wasn't then. Unknowingly to Jimin and Jungkook, Taehyung had gone to his and Namjoon's bedroom.

He opened the door but couldn't see Namjoon, "Hyung," he said

Jimin and Jungkook went to see where Tae was

"Tae, is Hyung in here?" asked Jimin

Taehyung signed and said, "I think so,

"Suddenly they heard a quiet sob.

Taehyung suddenly went round to the other side of his bed and saw Namjoon sitting in front of his bed and from the way his body was shaking he knew Namjoon was sobbing.

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