Chapter 2: Savannah's Insecurities

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(This chapter will let you get into Savannah's brains and understand her insecurities better )

The cold concrete of the university staircase pressed against Savannah's back as she sat, hidden from the world. 

Tears streaked down her cheeks, silent witnesses to the pain she carried within. Her facade of confidence, carefully crafted over the years, was beginning to crack under the weight of her insecurities.

She had always been the master of disguise, masking her inner turmoil with a facade of fake confidence and bravado. But tonight, as the weight of her doubts threatened to suffocate her, she found herself unable to keep up the charade any longer.

 She sits in the corner of the staircase her mind filled with thoughts of how no one will ever love her like the way they do in books and movies. 

After seeing Mel and Aaron be all cute together, she's happy for them ofcourse she is they're her friends after all, but she can't help but wonder how she's the best friend in hollywood movies who only exists to continue the story, the girl gets the guy while she stands of screen and waits for her cue to be comedic relief. (I took inspirations from the song Fat Funny Friend)

"No one would understand," she whispered to the empty staircase, her voice barely audible above the distant hum of passing footsteps. "No one would care."But unbeknownst to her there was one person who did care. 

One person who saw through the mask she wore and glimpsed the vulnerability hidden beneath the surface. Samuel. He knew her better than anyone else, knew the secret places where she sought refuge when the world became too much to bear. 

He knew the staircase, with its shadows and echoes, was her sanctuary, a place where she could retreat from the chaos of the world and unravel the tangled knots of her thoughts.

And so, it was no surprise when he found her there, nestled in the corner like a wounded bird, her tears betraying the facade of strength she had so carefully constructed.He didn't say anything at first, didn't offer empty words of comfort or false reassurances. 

Instead, he simply sat down beside her and pulled her into a hug and carresing her hand with his thumb. He was unaware of the storm raging through Savannah's mind or the reason behind her broken state. 

Although he longed to understand, he knew better than to press her into talking, opting instead to provide silent comfort as she cried.

For what felt like an eternity, they sat in silence, the only sounds were of her crying and the steady rhythm of their breathing. 

Savannah finally breaks the silence "I'm sorry you had to witness that," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "How'd you know I was here?" she asked although she was not surprised that he was there. 

Samuel just said "It's not that hard to figure out, you've told multiple times that this is your favorite spot in the uni, so when you were missing I knew exactly where I'd find you". Savannah gave him a weak smile.

"Hey, also you don't have to apologize, Savi. You're human. And humans feel things, even when they wish they didn't." His words lingered in the air, gently reassuring her that vulnerability was natural, that it was okay to kind of dismantle the walls she had spent so long building. 

"You know, I really don't know what's caused all these tears, and I won't push you to tell me," he continued. "But just know, if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you. You know I've got your back, right?"

Savannah chuckled weakly in response. "Yeah, I know. I'll tell you someday. But for now, I think we should probably get to the lab. We can't be late; you know we get extra credit for attendance, right?"

"That's precisely why I was looking for you, dumbnumb. I intended to inform you it's time for lab, but your tears caught my attention and seemed more important than the stupid photoshop lab," Samuel replied with a grin. 

Also for context dumbnumb is kind of a nickname Samuel gave Savannah, he thinks it's cute and sweet just like Savannah. 

(I hope you have enjoyed the book thus far. If not, please feel free to offer any constructive feedback.)

Till then,

Take care,

Bye loves,


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