Greetings & Farewells

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Torrhen stood with his hands clasped together in front of him, standing between Robb and Sansa as visitors poured through the castle gates, it was a procession of three hundred strong if the scouts numbers were correct, consisting of the lowest of servants, to the highest of knights in service to the King.

He watched as one of the kingsguard removed their helmets, revealing his curled hair of beaten gold, shining in the sunlight.

"That's Jaime Lannister. The Queen's twin brother." he heard one of his siblings say,

Torrhen heard many stories about the man who shoved their blade into the mad king's back, the one he swore to defend. His father doesn't speak of it much, but he told them that he found the kingsguard sitting upon the Iron Throne, looking down at his king as he slowly died.

He ended a dynasty of three hundred years, earning the title of 'Kingslayer'. Torrhen had no love for the southerners, they lacked honour and respect, even finding their gods repulsive, and ignored the septa whenever she tried to turn them to their faith.

"Where's Arya?" his mother asked, looking around frantically, before her eyes set upon him, though with a simple shrug, her attention soon turned to his younger sister, Sansa "Sansa, where's your sister?"

Arya came rushing through the crowd with a guards helmet on her head, causing Torrhen to have a light smirk on his lips.

"There she is, mother." Torrhen said, nudging his head towards her.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey what are you doing with that on?" his father stopped Arya in her tracks, and took the helmet from her and handed it to Ser Rodrik, who was standing behind them along with the others in service to House Stark, and his bastard brother, Jon.

Torrhen patted her on the shoulder as she passed him, and they each shared a grin. Arya then pushed herself between Bran and Sansa.

"Move!" she ordered, shoving Bran down the line.

There was a huge man at the head of the column, flanked by two knights dressed in their snow-white cloaks. He who called himself King was considerably fatter than Torrhen had expected, he thought he was going to see the warrior king that took down a dynasty beside his father, and got justice for what the dragon did to his grandfather and uncle.

More poured through the gates after the king, and that was when Torrhen laid his eyes upon the crown prince, there was certain arrogance in the way he held himself, as if the entire courtyard was looking at him alone.

"Gods, he looks like a great royal prick." he muttered.

"Will you shut up?!" Sansa scolded him for insulting the crown prince, and he scoffed as he noticed the small smiles they shared with each other.

As the king dismounted from his horse, the entirety of the courtyard knelt. Torrhen remained standing for a short moment, though received a stern look from his father which caused him to reluctantly kneel.

The king made his way over to them, and after a short moment, he gestured for everyone to rise as he stood in front of his father "Ned! Ah, it's good to see that frozen face of yours." the king roared, then looking down at his father, his face getting serious "You've got fat!"

Torrhen chuckled, the king didn't exactly look slim.

His father looked down toward's the King's stomach, raising his brow and soon the courtyard was booming with laughter from the king and the two embraced one another "Oh, you've not changed at all! Nine whole years, Ned, where have you been? Why haven't I seen you?" the king asked.

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