The Reveal

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(AN: Takes place during the final episode of Skylanders academy season 1).

Master eon was exhausted. The whole Crash bandicoot Experience had worn him out and he could feel the darkness slowly consuming him. Too make matters worse due to his weakened state the core Skylander team had been dispatched to the core of light to fill a bottle with pure light to help him recover.

That left the Academy's safety in the hands of a handful of cadets and teachers and he had no idea where the doom raiders were or Kaos. He believed in the cadets but he also knew that against all the doom raiders and Kaos it would be a very intense battle to defend the academy.

(Meanwhile with Hugo).

"We have the entire academy locked down no ones getting in or out without us knowing>" Snap shoot reported confidently.

"How many Skylanders and cadets do we have to defend the academy in case of an attack."

"We have 3 well trained Skylanders Myself, Kaboom and dro bot, 12 cadets who have reasonable combat experience and training."

Hugo  felt his worry increase But he had to believe that the core Skylanders would be able to retrieve the Vial of light. 

"Alright well lets hope that we don't get attacked by the doom raiders or something worse." Hugo replied worriedly.

Both trap masters nodded in agreement sharing his worry.

(With the Skylanders) 

"OK so that lock door was troublesome But look there's the second door." Pop fizz enthusiastically stated.

After conversing with a depressed wizard for about 5 minutes he finally gave them the second challenge.

"What I am you cannot see touch or hear but I am sometimes what you fear, Close your eyes even for a minute and I'll always reappear what am I. Oh and you only have ten seconds go."

Fortunately they figured it out that darkness was the answer. Approaching the Third door they saw nothingness But after some words of encouragement from Spyro they took a leap of faith.

(At the Hall of guardians).


Zeya was shocked at the levels that the computer read she hadn't seen anything like this only heard stories from her grandfather about him a person she believed held the greatest danger to Skylands but he was still imprisoned.

"Impossible. what are the academy's defenses." 


This was bad Despite her Father's warning Zeya couldn't just sit and watch.

"Computer triangulate portal coordinates to Skylanders academy Now." 



Kaos laughed the Skylanders were pathetic against him and his new power. He wanted that book he craved the power it offered him. 

However when his mother and doom raiders showed up he grew annoyed especially when his mother told him to stand down. 

However the group of villains found their path blocked by 6 spheres of magic exploding in front of them.

"WHAT WAS THAT." The golden queen demanded. The other doom raiders simply looked confused.

"Well well well. Doom raiders I must admit your not all that cracked up to be." A woman descended from the sky wearing a beige trench coat and fedora her black hair flying behind her.

"Who are you." Teh golden queen demanded her hands charging with gold power.

"I am Zeya the last Guardian of Skylands and I order you to all leave this place and never return."

"ha you and what army." Kaos mocked.

However unlike the golden queen or her son Kassandra was not enthusiastic about a fight she had heard storied about the guardians and the Power she sensed from this woman was nothing to mock.

"I don't need an army but if its a fight you want  a fight you'll get." Zeya replied her hands channelling Blue lighting.

"DOOM RAIDERS ATTACK." The golden queen commanded her followers.

Chompy Mage summoned 10 chompies who all launched them selves at Zeya However dodging Them easily. Spinning while channelling her magic she fired Ten magic orbs at the chompies knocking them out before using her magic to send chompy mage into a tree.

Dream catcher then charged Zeya. However with one swift blast of lighting she Knocked her out midway in her charge.

Wolfgang tried to use his bone harp's hypnosis But Zeya simply formed a shield and Blocked it. When he tried to go Melee She quickly summoned a sword and parried him. After dancing around him while blocking attacks from golden queen. Jumping around Wolfgang she channeled lighting and fired it at his back Knocking him out cold.

However when her back was turned Golden queen Grabbed her shoulders and attempted to turn her gold which wasn't working.

"Impossible NO one can Resist my power like that." 

"Well I Guess I'm just full of surprises." Zeya replied before Shooting electricity at Golden queen sending her flying to the ground.

"NO." Kaos Yelled shooting dark magic at Zeya who Challenged it with her magic.

they were locked in an intense battle for power as their two lightnings continued to clash one with another.

However a young Cadet was now stirring and Kaos spotted her. Releasing his left hand from the magic lock he fired at the young Ice Skylander Chill.

"NO." Zeya yelled breaking her concentration and Jumping IN front of the tendril of lighting protecting the Skylander.

Eventually the doom raiders would be defeated again BY Kassondra and forced to retreat and the Skylanders would heal eon.

However in the midst of their celebration Hex and Chill would drag the unconscious Zeya into the main library.

"Who is she." Spyro wondered aloud.

Stealth elf gasped Kneeling down he saw a pendant around the women's Neck.

"She's a Guardian."

AN: Sorry for not posting in a while I've been busy with my other stories hope you all aren't too mad.

Quote: Caring for others and trying to help them is more important than winning any war

Skylanders Academy: Zeya the last GuardianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang