Sixth Chapter

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POV. Aoi

The day was hotter than I thought it'd be and the open window was not helping to suffocate it. Please, I need vacations now. I looked outside, bored, while the teacher continued talking about some "important writer". Who even decides whether someone's book is great or not? Some authors are not even slightly known in their times, so popularity isn't the answer. Is there a future masterpiece right now dusting on a shelf?

"Tell us, Hayashi."

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw the other students and the teacher looking at me.

"What?" Some snickering was heard from someone, not that I really cared who it was.

"Pay attention next time. This will be in next week's exam."

He continued teaching and I continued daydreaming. Why would I not? I'll just memorize everything for the exam when needed, or not. Maybe I don't feel like studying.

Suddenly, I heard some noise and yells. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the corridors, but the sound was coming from another place. Some people tried to get out and see what was happening, while the teacher told them to sit down. When a boy entered, shouting something about a gang, everyone ignored him and the class was empty in a matter of seconds. I was the last to leave, because I decided to pack everything. It was enough school for the day, even if I have more classes. I was exhausted from reading until late yesterday.

"Hina is going to get mad..." I whispered and walked through the crowd to exit the building.

Everyone was whispering and I catched a couple of words. Takemichi Hanagaki? That's Hina's boyfriend. I met him once, just greeting, therefore I don't have an opinion of the boy. Hinata says he is really sweet, especially these last days. I suppose I'll believe her. On the other hand, what the hell is a Touman?

I changed my shoes and heard a yell of... Is that Hinata? I quickly put away the inside shoes and was finally in front of the entrance.

"Why are you bowing?"

She turned around and looked at me, I didn't return the gaze, looking at the boy she was bowing to. He had long and blonde hair. I took his appearance and... he was definitely in a gang.

"Aoi?" Hinata changed her expression of surprise when she saw my backpack, pursing her lips. "Are you skipping classes again?"

"Whaaat?" I looked to the side, smiling and scratching my neck. Shit, I got caught. I was about to run again when I saw Takemichi. My smile dropped and looked from side to side, between both blondes. Hinata watched my motion and her face changed to fear. She was about to say something, but I was faster.

Takemichi has been dealing with some delinquent problems lately. Hinata had told me about them and that's why I wanted to see his boyfriend, so I knew who he was if I happened to see him in trouble. He had bruises and there was a gang member here. Something was off, I could feel.

My friend was desperate, I could see her face when I ran towards them. Why? I know how to handle these things. She was bowing, I'm not going to tolerate it if these people are threatening them. In a second I was in front of the blonde, he looked surprised. Well, my running practice paid off. I put one of my hands on my friend's boyfriend's shoulder. He stopped moving and a blush appeared on his face.

"Takemichi, I told you I respected your delinquent stuff because you knew how to keep it in your world and that I didn't care if you wanted to solve your problems with violence." He looked confused. He didn't remember what I told him just one week ago? "But, if you need help, tell me. I'm not letting lame delinquents who don't know how to keep their business with people like them come here and threaten a friend."


"Aoi. Why is everyone so determined to call me by my surname? Hayashi is my father."

"Aoi, don't think what it's not." He explained the situation, telling me the other blonde was his friend (he sounded a bit uncertain though), and I nodded.

"Ok." I turned, addressing Hinata. "That doesn't explain why you were bowing at him."

"She slapped me, assuming the same you did."

I looked at both of them and laughed. Hinata blushed and laughed at me, embarrassed.

"It's not funny, Aoi!"

"Are you telling me that you slapped a gang member!?" I couldn't stop laughing. "Repeat it please, I need to see that."

"Aoi!" She yelled.

"Oi, Mikey! Are we going?" A new voice behind me startled me.

"Hmm." The blonde started walking to the voice and I turned to see who... Oh My God! That tattoo, the hair, the face. It was him, in all its glory.

"Dragon Boy!"

He scowled at me and Hinata looked at him, interested. I've obviously talked about him to her.

"Do I know you?"

"No, just wait." I took out my backpack and my jacket, letting them fall to the floor, and showed my arm with its tattoo. His face was indescribable.

"Her tattoo looks a lot like yours, Ken-chin. They came in a set or is she also your self proclaimed sister?"

"His what?" I was confused, nonetheless I couldn't stop smiling. "Anyways, I saw you once, when you got your tattoo done. You looked free and I wanted to be like you." He blushed.

What a nice day.

"How can you not be embarrassed?" Hinata was next to me, probably already defeated by my attitude.

"What's embarrassing in telling someone that you admire and respect them? People really confuse me. In the brothel..."

I was about to tell her that we were always sincere with each other when she interrupted me, harshly giving me my things that were on the floor a second ago.

"Hush about the brothel. It's the cause of all your problems, you all literally walked half naked in that place." She looked sternly at me and I nervously smiled, she tsked and smiled too. "I can't get mad. Which doesn't mean you should go out with underwear."

"Hey! They are crop tops!"

"The same." She said, taking my arm and leading our way to school. Am I being distracted to go to class?

"No, they're not. They serve completely different purposes."

Takemichi yelled behind us, questioning about their date. Hinata assured him that it was fine.. well, maybe with her.

"It's not ok, Takemichi, you better buy her something nice to compensate for! And accompanying your..!"

Hinata slammed the door, not letting me continue.

"Rude." She smiled innocently and I snorted. "I already told you that I don't approve of accompanying someone to cram school to be considered a date. In that case I'll be married to you, considering the times I've walked with you from cram to your house."

"He doesn't need to know, it'd break his heart."

POV. Third Person

The three blondes looked at the door, where a second ago Aoi was standing and yelling at Takemichi.

"Who's she?" Mikey asked, he was intrigued. Aoi acted so different from how he was used to from other girls. She was also tattooed and had piercings, which made her cooler in his eyes.

"Hinata's friend, I honestly don't know her well." Not even in his former timeline they had had a great relationship, and it was rapidly cut off when Hinata and he stopped dating.


"How did she get her scar?" Draken was flustered a second ago, having rapidly recovered now.

"I don't know."

They continued their way out of the school.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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