Egon - Expressing Love

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There are many ways to express love, there's physical touch, compliments, or just flat out telling the person you love them. For Egon Spengler however showing love was complex. He never really felt romantic love for anyone, so, he showed in his own special way.

The only problem was she had no idea that he had feelings for her. The affection he showed seemed something that any normal friend would have for another. The other ghostbuster however knew immediately. They know by the way Every time she came into the lab, he made sure she had a stool to sit on. Even if it meant kicking Peter out of his seat so she could sit.

They knew by the way everyone time he was eating his snacks he would share. Which was unheard of. The first time it happened the three boys say there with wide eyes. "What?" She asked taking another bite of the Twinkie. "You're eating Spengs Twinkie." Ray explained and peter started to give Egon a knowing smile. "He offered," she shrugged. "Of course, why wouldn't the Egon is always so good with sharing. Isn't that right Spengler?" Peter chuckled leaving the room before he could get a response. Y/n just shook this off thinking nothing of it, and life went on.

Painfully Egon would watch her go on dates that would only break her heart. Knowing full well that he would never do that to her. Peter and Ray were done with his moping and small pointless hints. "You gotta do something." Ray insists but Egon only shakes his head and looks down at the file.

"Spengs, you can't live your life like this. Watching the girl you like go on dates with some other dude! That's, that's just I don't know what that is, but it isn't good." Peter shook his head disappointed and Egon looked up at him.

"I don't like her." The two men looked at him expectedly, "it's more than that. It's difficult to describe. She almost has this hold on me, and I just can't seem to-"

"Oh, my God! Egon is in love. Who would have guessed." Venkman shouted hitting ray in the shoulder. "Well, I had an idea." Ray mumbled, "no you didn't." Peter rolled his eyes grabbing the bag of chips off his desk. "So, what now?"

Their conversation ended with the door creaking open and some guy walking through awkwardly. He was taller and had dark hair and smiled at the men. "Huh, so Y/n has a type?" Peter mused looking at Egon. "Good for you buddy."

"Excuse me does a Y/n L/n work here?" The man asked sounding almost disgusted. "She does." Egon answered with narrowed eyes, "she like answer the phones?" They all shook their heads, and the man's smile dropped.

"She's not?" And Ray and Peter nodded with a smile. "She's a ghostbuster? Like an actual ghostbuster?" He scoffed, "what about it?" Egon asked and Pete wanted to make popcorn. "No offense, but come on do you want to go out with a girl that's covered in ghost mucous?"

Egon stared at the man blankly, "it's called ectoplasm, and one would infer that any man would have no problem going on a date with a woman such as Y/n."

"Look the whole ecto - whatever stuff isn't really my thing. Could you guys tell her that something came up?"

"It would be my pleasure." Egon smiled and the man left. "This is great!" Pete shouted, "how?"

"Egon don't you see; I tell her that the dates a no show. You come in all hero like, ask her out and boom the wedding bells might as well already be ringing." Egon looked at him apprehensive then he hesitantly nodded.

So, Peter waited, and he jumped right up when Y/n finally walked in. "Y/n, can I see you in my office?"

"Can it wait, I want a shower I have a date tonight. Can't show up dripping in ecto." She laughed and Pete took in a sharp breath. "About that, he came in today and he said that something came up. Sorry Hun." She sighed looking down, "oh, that's alright. I wasn't that excited about it anyway."

"Well, uh after you get cleaned up Egon was actually looking for you." She nodded and went up to the showers. Egon waited in his lab fixing his hair and flattening his lab coat. "Hey Egon?" She called her voice not as chipper as usual. "Hey, hello how are you? She smiled, "I'm ok," she noticed how nervous we were and asked; " how are you?"

"Well, actually I um, I heard about your date cancelation, I thought, well perhaps you would go on a date with me?" He asked nervously adjusting his glasses his eyes never leaving the ground. "Egon you don't have to give me a pity date." His head shot up, "no it's not out of pity. It's out of opportunity. I have been wanting to ask you for some time." She looks at him with apprehension. "It's true. Y/n, I have had strong feelings for you since well college. Hell, I've been in love with you since college. I watch you with these men and I can't help but think they aren't good enough for you." She stared at him, and he closed his eyes tightly wishing he didn't say anything at all. "I apologize I just -"

"I love you too." She interrupted, "I have for some time, and I was only going on those dates cause j thought they were my only option. I had no idea." She took his hand, "I love you, Egon." They gazed into each other's eyes leaning in and kissing each other lightly. It had such passion, and the kiss had such sparks that their breath was being taken away from their lungs. "Spengs! Did you ask her!? Did ya!?" Peter asked from upstairs, "Venkman! Let them be!" Ray shouted, "sorry Egon!" 

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