Egon - Spook

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Y/n L/n was picking up her house, humming softly as she did. Lost in her own world, shivering slightly as the temperature started to drop. She was folding a blanket when she started to be able to see her breath. feeling eyes on her, she can feel someone looming over her. Suddenly she was thrown to the other side of the room both her and the entity gave a shriek. It was a ghost of a man with no legs, leaping at her.

With a final scream she staggers to her feet and runs out of the apartment shutting the door on the ghost. Running down the stairs constantly checking behind her shoulder. Calling a taxi, she drives to the only place she knows is safe.

She runs into the ghostbuster station: shivering from the cold winds outside. Janine puts down her magazine with a sigh, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I need to see Doctor Egon Spanger." She chews her gum for a second looking at the wide-eyed girl blankly. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Well, no, but please this is urgent!" She sighed again and picked up her phone, ringing it twice. "What's your name?"



"Y/n, Y/n L/n." She nods and gestures to a small group of office chairs for her to sit. Hesitantly Y/n waled to the chair, rubbing her arms trying to warm herself up. Her heart was still racing out of her chest, she felt as if any moment that thing was going to just appear. She hears stomping coming up some stairs and sees her old college friends running into the office. An anchor was lifted once she saw them, Peter smiled at her and shook his head as Ray smiled brightly as always.

Then the air was lifted and suddenly she could breathe again when she saw him. He walked in close behind the two and looked so serious. "Y/n." He breathed softly, as they all go to her, and she sits up and immediately goes for Egon. Not caring how crazy she looked, or how unpolite it was she was afraid, and she knew he was her lifeline. She ran right into his arms. She stood there awkwardly looking toward his friends for help, but they were just as shocked.

As she held him tighter, he wrapped his arms around her. He wished he could say what it felt like to hold her. That he could forget her. When things ended back in college, he was so distraught that he was completely emotionless for days. Now holding her again he never wanted to let go. "Oh, Egon, I'm sorry, but there was this horrible thing. Thing ghost thing was trying to grab me, and it was shrieking, and it was just so terrible."

Egon pulled away and look at her pointedly, "what did it look like?"

"It was this man. I could see right through him."

"Sounds like just a spook." Ray mumbled angry at how his friend was treated. "Yeah, a spook with a real attitude problem. We'll take care of this to bit graveyard jackass." Peter grumbled and they left for their packs, and to grab Winston, but Y/n just held Egon. "Please, I know it's foolish, but I don't want to be alone." He held her chin gazing down at her. "It's not foolish. It's only natural for you to seek comfort. Given the circumstances. I will glad give it to you." She nodded, and looked down, "I'm glad you came here. We will make sure that the entity is out of your house in no time."

"Thank you, Egon." He nodded and brought her to his lab where she sat on his couch and silently watched him work as she dozed off. He draped his lab coat on her and kissed her hairline. "I missed you." He mumbled before going back to his work. Almost wishing that the boys take a little more time than usual. Just enjoying the feeling of her in his space again. 

Egon Spengler and Ray Stanz imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now