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"Woww hey guys, you two okay?" Peter asked his two of his like.. three best friends. "Dude! Are we okay?! Haven't seen you in like.. A WEEK!!" The blond girl said. "Yeah Gwen's right! Pete we know you had a lottt of missions this week but we missed you.." Peter did feel really bad for not being with his friends: Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales.

"Yeah I'm sorry guys but it was the school actually... The principal is still giving me some problems because of me having two legal guardians instead of one and all. I know the school year just started but like can't they guie me some rest!" Peter said with a little chuckle at the end.

Over two years ago, Peter met a guy when he was Spiderman-ing. That guy helped him with some Multiversal issues. That guy was Dr Stephen Strange who became very close with the spider-ling. After a couple months of knowing him, Peter told Stephen who he was because he didn't see Stephen as a threat. After knowing Peter for half a year Strange had enough. He really loved the kid wanted him to be his. After a very long half year of arguing with Fury, he got 50% of custody over Peter and by that time, Perer had 2 months free from school so he could get used to living in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Later today, Peter had to take his things over to the Sanctum Sanctorum, or more like he had Strange or Wong (who he was very close to) make a portal in his room in the HQ, to his room in the Sancrorum. Until then, Peter went to fix Devin with Miles and Gwen joining him.

When the three finished talking about patrol and the mission and the weird encounter with Mj at school, Gwen had to leave for a mission so she gave Peter a fist bump and gave her boyfriend, Miles, a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Miles and Peter then went to get Peter's things and making a plan before patrol tomorrow to hang out after school. Peter finishes school before Miles does. Gwen and Miles go to VISIONS school for technology and science in Brooklyn, while Peter goes to Midtown tech and science. Midtown's school days end half an hour before VISIONS which gives Peter time to meet Gwen or Miles or both (and sometimes with their other friends, Harry and Ganke) when they finish.

As soon as the two friends finished packing the spider's things, a portal appeared infront of the two. The legal guardian made eye contact with Peter, he smiled.

"Hey Pete! Sorry for being late. Me and wong had a problem with a portal haha..." Peter looked at Strange after he said the word "problem" oddly and then looked behind Strange to the Sanctum Sanctorum and saw a lot a lot a LOT of snow. Peter laughed at Strange's face and Strange starred to laugh too.

"You know what? I am not even surprised anymore. I'll see you tommorow Miles!" Peter said and walked through the portal. Miles waved him goodbye and the portal closed.

Peter set all of his things down in his room and when back to the main area to see if Strange and Wong needed help with the snow.

After he helped the sorcerers with the random snow, Peter went to his room to finish his home work, which was easy as always, he worked a bit on his webs. Peter had the best formula he could have, but he ran out of webs getting to the HQ.

By now it was late. Peter was on patrol, or more like finishing patrol. The hero was on his was to the top of the Empire States. He sat on the edge, looking over the city he saves everyday in 2 out of his 3 lifes, well he trys to help people as Peter Benjamin Fury-Strange Parker (yes, that is his full name) but it's hard to help people as the random nerd who gets bullied with 0 friends who has no life. He still trys. While Peter was getting lost in his thoughts, his 6th sense went off weakly just to tell him someone (not a threat) was there, and surprise surprise there he was. Tony.

"Hi Mr. Stark! Man... what a day..." Peter was exhausted and Tony got that. The father-figure left his suit and sat by the 17 year old. "I know right? What's up with you? What got you so tired?" Spidey looked at Stark and then back at the view. "Where do I begin? This girl at school was weirding me out today all because her boyfriend wasn't in school. Like, we never talk, we sit at other sides at every class we have together and when this other guy makes fun of me she doesn't even care at me! She doesn't laugh about thats true, but she always takes her best friend and boyfriend and leaves. Why would she even talk to me? All because I watched that one Spidermam video?" Peter still didn't know what was up with Mj, why would she care if he watched vids of NYC's hero?

"Hmm.. that is odd. You said she has a boyfriend?" Stark asked. "Yes Mr. Stark. She has a boyfriend and no Mr. Stark she doesn't like me." 'God why does every one thinks Mj likes me?' Peter thought.

"You know now that I think about it, you never talk about your friends from school do you?" Tony asked the spider. "Oh um, no I don't." Peter replied in an awkward matter. "And why is that kid?" "I don't have friends at school."

Peter sometimes talked about his friends with Stark. These friends being: Miles, Gwen, sometimes Harry and Ganke and of course him. Other then that Peter never talked about his other friends because he doesn't have other friends.

"What?! Why???" Tony was both concerned and Confused. Why didn't his kid have friends?

"Oh um... I don't know? No one really wants to be friends with the bullied nerd with a dead family right?" Peter thought it was normal that no one wanted to befriend him, but by the look on Stark's face, he thinks he was wrong.

"Kid.. what the hell have you been thinking?! No!! It has nothing to do with you having a dead fanily or being bullied!" Peter didn't know what to say so he just..



This took me for EVERRRRR
but yeah what do you think?
I think i need to go do my school work but i dont want toooooo

Anyway see you next time byebyeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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