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There he was. The moment he was waiting for for so long. His father and mother are right next to him, he can do this.

The family of three walked up to the stage where reporters and photographers were waiting for them. He was standing behind his parents waiting for his father to finish his speech. "As you all know me and my wife had adopted our son over 8 years ago. We tried to let him have as normal as his life could be. He asked if we could hide him from the public's eyes and of course we helped him as much as we could, and after so long we introduced him to the world about a year ago and now... now we are conferming the rumors about him and about the future of SI. Everyone! Meet the heir of SI and the next Iron-Man...

Harley Keener Stark!"

Harley then moved in front of his mother, Pepper Potts Stark, and his father, Antony Edwerd Stark. The cameras flashed in Harley's face and everyone in the room were waiting for Harley's speech. Was he nervous? Of course he was. Did he let it get to him? Of course he didn't!

If Harley had a super power that let him know how many pairs of eyes are looking at him right now in person, the number of eyes would not match the number of people in the room. What Harley didn't know is that out side of a hiden window, there was an agent. An agent that had nothing to do with Harley and was now arguing with his superior on why was he so far away from the mission area and why is he watching the random 15 year old son of Stark talking about his life and not helping the other agents.

"But agent P-" "Who gave you permission to call me that? I told you to call me by my code name agent Smith." Agent Smith heard his mission's boss say. "But agent P IS a code name!" Agent Smith liked agent P. He really did, but he hated the fact a soon to be 17 year old gave him orders. Yes, agent P was one of the best agents if not the best, and yes agent P did make S.H.I.E.L.D's HQ's own AI called Devin, and yes, of course that agent Smith respected the heck out of agent P but he didn't like that he was so... good! It took Smith YEARS to get to where he is now and it only took agent P about... almost 13 years.. yeah okay so maybe it wasn't the years but it was more about his age. Smith didn't like that agent P was doing this for so long and is still not 18. For gods sake the kid started at the age of 4!

But it wasn't up to him. If the kid didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D he wouldn't be alive right now, so for now agent Smith was going to suck it and babysit Stark's little event.

"Agent Smith this is wasting time, we can not let Pinky Pie get away." Said agent Jackson. She was a smart agent and this is why she was on the team with THE agent P/ Agent Code/ who knows how many names this kid had.

"Still can't believe we are calling this guy Pinky Pie." Agent Smith was still confused on the nickname given to one of S.H.I.E.L.D's most wanted criminals by agent Jackson, but he still went with it.

"He isn't even pink, he's more gray then anything." Yes, agent P was one of the most respected and feared agents in S.H.I.E.L.D, but the one thing he was the best at that no one doubts is his ability to switch from scary and cold like director Fury, to a sweet and funny cinnamon roll. Agent P is one of those bosses that don't let the power get to their head at all. He was smart and funny, scary and chill, he was so good hearted and caring that no one in S.H.I.E.L.D, not even the director himself had so many people's respect like agent P had. No one ever doubted his decisions, they trusted him with their lifes and agent P will never let them down. He was really the best boss ever, even if he wasn't even a boss but a mission leader.

"Guys Pinky Pie is moving! Get into position everyone!" Agent P did it again, he switched from 'haha im jokingggg' to 'if you think im joking then you are about to regret being born'.

The agents started getting ready for "Pinky Pie" running away and destroying the city alongside with it, but right before all of that agent Jackson had to ask one thing.

"Agent Code, what about your um.. watch? Are you using it?"

Agent P sighed.
"If I use my watch in every mission then my skills will deteriorate. I'm trying my best not to use it too much in missions and you know it, but as you know I always have way more the one plan. If it goes wrong you bet I am using the watch. Now come on, Pinky Pie is about to become the pie..."


"It sounded cooler in my head ok?"



Ok this chapter was planed but the others are not so..... yeah..
But im very happy with this one and i dont think yall would guess what happens next mhehehe >:D
Plz tell me what you think and bout this story and and i should do!!

(if anything is wrong in grammer or spelling please tell me!)
Hope you enjoyed!
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