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The ship landed somewhere secure inside the citadel. To help everyone defrost, they were brought outside the ship. It was an unusual feeling of discomfort. Last to defrost were the clones. Rex, Echo, and Fives had to brush it off in order to shield Aria. As soon as he could, Rex assisted by putting her helmet on. He said, "You have to be faster than that." She apologized to the captain while Fives held her arm. Cody came over and asked if everything was all right. "Yes, sir," responded Fives and Aria, who then looked at each other. When suddenly, they heard Ahsoka and Anakin arguing, they all turned. Master Obi-wan approached them, “I see Anakin’s new teaching method is so as I say, not as I do. Welcome to the team."

R2-D2 and the other droids stayed inside the shuttle. The group made its way to the building. They stopped to see how they would proceed. The other droids, including R2-D2, remained in the shuttle. The group moved toward the building's location. They came to a pause while deciding on their next move. Anakin observed and saw how well this prison was guarded. “You were right. The wind conditions are too strong for jetpacks,” commented Cody. “Yes, we’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way, with ascension cables and a steel grip,” Obi-wan told Cody. “I don’t think so,” Anakin added.
“What do you mean?”

“Electro-mines. There is nowhere to put a grappling hook at that height. And we hit one of those. The mission’s over. They’ll know we’re here.” Anakin showed Obi-wan.

“I suppose that means we free-climb it,” Rex said. The generals exchanged glances. Aria was starting to feel anxious. That height terrified her to death. Although the clones were concerned as well, they had to carry out the mission. They began their climb with Aria remaining close to her friends but not too close. They would have been okay without the harsh wind. When they approached the entrance, Obi-Wan gave the signal to keep silent while a couple of droids went to see if anyone was attempting to get in. When Anakin motioned for the others to stop, they all followed suit. The droids entered the building again a short while later and used a ray shield to lock the door.

“They locked the door. It”s ray-shielded.,” informed Kenobi.

“Ray-shielded? That wasn’t the plan.” Anakin thought of a new plan until Ahsoka pointed out the ventilation ducts. They were small but enough for her to get inside. She was able to deactivate the ray shield from within. Everyone was getting closer to the top. Naturally, Fives was the one to assist Aria in getting up, although she almost slipped because of her clumsy self. Charger was after Echo at the time, but the rock he was standing on crumbled. He fell, setting off one of the mines.

“Well, they know we are here,” said Master Kenobi. The group remained close to one another and exercised caution. As they ran through the corridors, Anakin told Fives to take out their surveillance, which he did with a perfect shot. In the intersection of the halls, there were small turrets that were taken down easily. Aria constantly checked behind them in case the enemy tried to flank but instead saw something worse. “The walls are electrified!’ she yelled. “Go, Go, Go!” One of the troopers motioned her to run. She ran fast and launched herself out of the way. Sadly, one of the troopers couldn’t and got caught in it. “Longshot!” Cody stared at the body of his fallen brother. “We must keep moving,” advised Obi-wan. Cody looked back one more time and followed.

“You all right, Ar- I mean Shorty?” Fives asked. “I am okay, thanks,” she assured him. The voice filter worked well, but if she received too much damage, it would malfunction to the point she no longer had to use it or just not talk at all. Communication is important in war, and she is worried about that more than anything. Echo, also concerned, asked if she was well. “Good, stay closer to us from now on. We don’t want to lose you.” Echo told her with a nice pat on her shoulder. The group continued making their way closer to Master Piell’s cell.

“Say goodbye to your one good eye.” said a droid as he laughed evilly. The doors then opened. Shooting at the other droids, Ari and Echo made their entrance first. Fives moved in from the back, firing at the droid who was threatening to hurt Master Piell. Everyone else walked in. “Secure the entrance,” ordered Anakin as he went ahead to help Master Piell.

“Master Piell, are you all right?” Obi-wan asked.

“Obi-wan. What took you guys so long?” the Jedi looked at both of them.

“At least your sense of humor is still intact,” said Anakin

“It takes more than they got to break me, young Skywalker.” he stood up and took the lightsaber that Master Kenobi handed to him.

“So you have the coordinates for the Nexus Route?” asked Anakin.

“I got them. all right. Half of them anyway. My captain’s got the other half. I erased the computers when we were boarded and had both of us memorize part of the intel. That way, if somehow I cracked, the information would be useless to them without the other half.”

“Where’s your captain?” asked Kenobi.

“Being held with the other officers, I assume.”

“We’re going to need a new plan for getting out,” said Anakin.

They prepared to move out once more. They had to devise a new strategy, but they didn't want to leave without the imprisoned clones, especially since one was the captain possessed half the information they needed. Aria had a bad feeling, and her friends noticed something was upsetting her. "Is something wrong?" questioned Echo. "Just a bad feeling, maybe it's just me having a bad feeling about everything," she said. He reassured, "As long as we stick together, everything will be fine." Aria gave him a nod and smiled under her helmet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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