before the beginning

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"twelve are you ready for your lessons for today?" papa asks 

the human brain blocks out your worst memorys. which is why i dont remember most of my time in the lab then again i was 6 when i left or  in this case escaped. 

"i want you to focus were going for the long jump today!"

"find him?" i ask

"yes, and repeat what he is saying" 

i take a long look at the picture then look back at papa. i close my eyes and consentrate to find this man. i was strong, really strong. but i could never control my powers. they would always go bonkers and never do what i want them to do. 

"he says 'dog, cat, cow, horse, blue, red, and rainbow" i repeat as i open my eyes 

"very good twelve you are making immense progress!" papa says happily 

i never liked papa, he always wanted to be incontrol, i didnt like being controlled. when i escaped i was lucky for someone to find me and take me to the local adoption center. i was even more lucky to be adopted the next day. by a young couple, the harringtons

after my mom had steve she wasnt able to have anymore children after him. so she had to adopt. my father wasnt to pleased with the idea but at the time he would do anything to make my mom happy. so they adopted me. my features werent that different from the harringtons. you couldnt tell that i was adopted. so i never told anyone 

steve was 10 when i was adopted. he was nice and it felt like he was deemed to protect me the big brother i always wanted.

mike wheeler was my first friend when i started kindergarten.

and that day was when the party began.

at first it was me, mike, and will. the next year in first grade we met lucas and he joined our party very quickly. it wasnt till 3 years later when we met dustin and thats that. that was our party. and thats also when they started playing dungeons and dragons. i never played like ever. 

i was more a reader. i was quiet. but when it came to my friends id always protect them. thats what they liked about me. i was there always making jokes. laughing with them. the weirdos.

people knew me because i was a harrington. my dad owned a business, we were rich as others would say  

when we reached the point where there were cliques in school, the populars would always judge me, for hanging with the nerds, the weirdos, and the losers.

but i didnt mind them they were real not pretending trying to be someone else and i loved it i could always be myself. 

and this is before my life turned to hell. 

just one normal day || stranger things x fem!ocМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя