In Love with a Friend

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A/N: wrote this while drunk, so it's not great but i am thinking only about pruk and also kissing my girlfriend so here <3


"I've never caught feelings for any of my friends," Arthur shrugged, swirling the glass in his hand listlessly. A lie, to be sure, but Gilbert needn't know such things.

"Then, I'm excited to be the first," Gilbert smirks at him, looking at the British man over his own glass of dark liquid.

Arthur rolls his eyes, looking up at Gilbert. "You think too highly of yourself," He says flatly.

"Aw, come on! Everyone always asks us if we're dating," Gilbert replies, waving his free hand as he spoke. He was giant in everything from expression, to ego, to...--

"That's because they're bored, love," Arthur replies, setting his drink down.

"Whatever," Gilbert grins knowingly, gulping down the rest of his alcohol. Their cheeks were splattered with red, but neither of them were drunk enough yet. So, they ordered another round. The night was young, anyway.

Arthur watched as the man across from him spoke with the bartender, his eyes wandering over every part of him he could see. He often liked to watch Gilbert, whether or not he noticed, and study his every feature.

This was only because Gilbert was a fascinating person! That was the whole reason they were friends anyway. It had nothing to do with the fact that Arthur was hopelessly attracted to him.

"Earth to Kirkland," Gilbert says, catching Arthur's eyes just as they were drifting down Gilbert's chest. Arthur snaps to attention, his eyes flashing panic before settling back to safety—namely, boredom. "You were oggling me," He says, matter-of-factly.

"I was not," Arthur replies simply, drinking from his new glass.

Gilbert traps Arthur's foot between his own under the table, causing Arthur to glare at him.

"Loosen up," Gilbert chuckles, letting go of him. "That's what the drinks are for!"

"Yeah, yeah," Arthur says, taking another long drink from his.

Gilbert picks his own glass up, drinking enough to match Arthur's consumption. It wasn't hard. Thanks to his younger brother's pension for drinking, Gilbert found no trouble in keeping up with the Brit, who was only a step up from a lightweight. He was practically swaying in the wind already and he looked quite flushed.

Rather cute, if you asked Gilbert. Arthur would surely kick him if he could hear Gilbert's thoughts right now. Good thing he couldn't, unless--

"Gott verdammt, you're so cute," Gilbert blurts out before slapping a hand over his mouth. Curse his loose lips! Lips that could be tightened with some pressure from a certain Brit, surely.

Arthur's face is inflamed instantly, he sets his glass down on the table roughly and it's a miracle it doesn't shatter. "Shut up, you fucking wanker," Arthur snaps, looking away quickly.

Gilbert nods, wishing he would forever. Though, it's so worth it to be verbally berated by his friend. Not that this was a rare occurrence.

An awkward silence passes over them as Gilbert metaphorically bites his tongue and Arthur tries very desperately to move on. His heart is still racing somewhat when he ventures to look back at Gilbert.

He also tries very hard to find something to say and, failing at this, he simply finishes his second drink off and stares at Gilbert. A range of emotions flashes across his face and Gilbert has a hard time picking out what Arthur's feeling. Embarrassed, for sure, but what was that glinting in his green eyes?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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