The conclusion part one

Start from the beginning

She grabbed dog and closed the door behind her, walking down her driveway and turning left onto the road. She walked for 10 maybe 15 minutes before she saw a blue truck pulled off on the side of the dirt road. She waved to the truck and walked over, taking the ever growing suspicious dog with her, who throughly sniffed out the car.

"Hey Nathan, how are you?" Kaitlyn asked smiling at him.

Nathan was lindsays older brother, who graduated maybe a year ago. The school burn out, who started smoking when he was eleven, and was still going strong at the age of 19.

"Im good, thanks" he smiled at Kaitlyn. "Do you want to come in? You can bring the dog"

"No its alright, i got to get back anyway" she said digging in her pockets, Nathan kinda creeped her out, like most older people who sell weed to teenagers, she was always sure that if she really wanted to... she probably wouldn't have to pay with money. "20 bucks right?"

"Yeah" Nathan was now digging around his in side console, a little visibly disappointed of the refusal.

He picked up a medication bottle, stripped of any label, and tossed the bright orange tube towards her.

"I threw in a lil extra for you" Nathan smiled a bit. She smiled, knowing thats what they all say, but it does make you feel a little bit special when they do. She handed him the 20, and waved him off. She got a good distance before he sped off, kicking up dirt behind him.

She opened the bottle and inhaled the sweet, skunky earthy aroma. Man, nothing smells sweeter than a fresh batch of weed. Filled with a new excitement, she hurried to bring dog back home, so she could do what shes been wanting to all day.

Whenever she felt stressed, when ever she felt uneasy or abnormal or just get this feeling of being unsafe that she couldn't even begin to describe the weed was there for her. She knew she could take it too far and too fast, and the prescription meds we're keeping her pretty regulated anyway but everyone needs to take the edge off.

And i think you know that more than anyone really.

When she got back to her grandparents house her parents were there, and she packed up her things for the return home, still uneasy yet ready to deal with it.

"We got the window fixed, and all the locks changed, installed a heavy duty lock on your window too, no one's getting in there" her dad said, proud of his prompt reaction of dealing with the threat to his family. She smiled at him from the passenger seat. "So there's nothing to worry about"

"Im not worried" she smiled again, lying a bit.

She was worried just the smallest amount, but not for her personal safety, but for her parents. She had time to think this weekend, and she came to the conclusion that it must be her. It was her who brought this upon herself, it was all the bad things she's done, the cigarettes, the weed, the prescription pills she knows she abuses, the urges, the thoughts, her abnormally of it all. The world knew, and they were coming.

But that's ridiculous, and very obviously irrational thoughts, but to her, the were as real as print on a page.

So that night, when she got home, she put her stuff away, ate dinner, showered, did her skin care routine, placed her outfit for school next to her bed for the following day, and right as her parents went to sleep, she snuck into the backyard.

With her medicine bottle, a makeshift pipe, she broke her real one a while ago, and a lighter she got from her grandparents, she crouched all the way in the back, towards the fence, under a bush, where she was hidden from the world.

As she smoked, and felt the anxiety melt from her shoulders, falling down her back, she exhaled, coughing, breaking the moment a bit. After she was done coughing up a lung, she sat in the sounds of the night, crickets mostly with the occasional owl.

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