Skool day

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On this planet, the unknown city has an alien, and his name is invader Zim, look where he is now. Invader Zim steps onto his doorway and swaggers to his school labeled as "skool" Zim walks in only to be bombarded by Dib's constant questions and taunting queries. Zim pushed Dib out of his face with ease and walked over to his desk that was covered in stupid drawings and sketches. Zim erased them off the table with an eraser that was on its last legs. "Zap patter patter" and just like that with its last uses the eraser was gone just like that. Happy that the ugly drawings were off the desk, all that's left was a stain. Zim was satisfied and thought "eh good enough" and brushed the eraser shavings off his desk and onto the grotesque ground. Mrs. Bitters walked in the classroom with a scowling look on her face, she muttered under her breath "another new student, I don't want all these kids." Then she said with vanity "we have a new student, her name is Koff. would you like to say something, cause after that I don't want to hear another peep from you." "I'm Koff, and I do not look forward to being here." "Hello fellow human, I am the mighty Zim!" "Koff... that's a weird name, sounds almost like AN ALIEN NAME!" said a big-headed kid that sat next to the windows "why is Mega mind talking?" Koff replied in pettiness "My heads not that big." "Sure bud."

"Shut up" said Mrs. bitters, " it's time to talk about the bubonic plague." "Mrs. bitters why is it always the bubonic plague that we talk about?" shouted a kid in the back "I'm going to sit down" Koff said. "Doom doom doom doom doom." Mrs. Bitters rambled.

"Am I, once again, the only one that see's the alien sitting amongst us." Shouted a kid with the head as big as Jimmy Nutron. 

 I was interested with his boldness. Zim looked over as I snickered at his reply, Zim raised a nonexistent eyebrow and I quickly noticed and stopped laughing, trying to not gain attention. "I'm telling you there's another alien." He said one more " you're crazy dib." I guess Dib was the insane boy's name. I wasn't worried about be found out I was Irken, if he was the one saying it, I don't think anybody would believe it. "Doom doom doom." The bell rang and I'm guessing it was lunch time because everybody started getting out tiny boxes and left the room, I didn't bring my lunch, so I left the room without anything and followed everybody else to the cafeteria.  

I wanted to sit next to Zim seeing that he was like me, an Invader, but I thought I would need an invitation. I started by getting food in the lunch line, everything looked so grotesque. the only thing that looked good was the macaroni, it looked like it was made with water. The lunch lady poured the slob onto my tray and sent me to get some fruit, I got an apple that looked like it had expired for 15 years, it seemed like the average American school lunches. after I got my food, I scavenged for a place to sit. I had just gotten here, and I already know what places not to sit. I ended up sitting on an unhabituated table, when Zim walked up and slammed his food tray on the table. I jumped at the strike.

 "I am THE MIGHTY ZIM, I have come to sit at your table, for you are new here, FEEL HONERD." "Drop the act, Zim. "Eh?" Zim was confused " I know you don't want to be here, I mean, neither do I, so go ahead a waltz over to another table, I'm still trying to figure out this school." Zim tried to act as if he didn't hear what I said and tried to change the subject. "So do you like the lunch?" zip asked me, trying to sidetrack the conversation "Are you kidding me, the food sucks." "Then why are you eating it? "Zim said "why are you eating it, huh. I thought aliens didn't need to eat food?!" I said with sass. Zim put his claws over my mouth and said, " keep it down, do you want to tell the whole school." I rolled my eyes and peeled his paw off my face "But seriously, why are you eating this food if you don't need to." "I'm trying to look normal." "Eating the school food won't make you any more normal, Zim." "You're new here, how do you know that for sure?" "I don't really think this is "normal" food, Zim." "Foolish Koff-human." he said then taking a bite of what I could only describe as a slab of charcoal. "Yea, I don't think that's actual food, Zim." He chewed the black looking sand and forcefully swallowed it; Zim coughed a few times before he could speak again. "You see, silly Koff- human. that was nothing." "I don't think you could go through a few more bites though." "Yea, I can't. what about you, what are you eating?" 

I looked down at my runny macaroni and said, "Whatever it is it was Definity made with water." Zim laughed, it was the first time I had seen him happy, but he quickly changed the subject to a more ridiculous matter. "Do you see that boy over there, He is dib, and he is stinky." "Um, ok." "He will try to brainwash you into his stupid beliefs." "I don't believe in brainwashing." 

943 words.

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