Coming home

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Sloans Blyths pov
Today was the day we where coming home back to Texas Tom had decided that we where going to live in my house there till we find a new one near my uncle Jared's and my dads which I was happy about since my dad told me the house 2 houses down from them was for sale which made me and Tom look into it and there is a house opening in 3 days so we have decided we where going to look at the house and see if we like it.

"Babe are you ready to go" tom asked me and I shake my head no "I don't wanna leave Rome babyy I love it here" I say to him and he smiles "I know baby but we can always buy a house here and it can be our holiday house" he says to me and I squeal and hug him "next time when we come here we will look into buying a house and it needs to be 6 bedrooms" he says to me and I look at him confused "why do we need that many" I asked him and he smirks "well for when we have kids and if your family wants to come with us" he says to me and I smile at him and think of the thought of mine and Tom's kids running around.

"Well let's head to the airport baby" he says to me and I nod and grab my stuff and follow my husband out to the car.

Once we got to the airport we checked in and put our suitcases through then we when't through security "baby can we get something to eat I'm starving" I say to my husband and he chuckles "of course let's get you some food" he says to me and I nod

After getting food and eating it our plane was called so we ran to our plane and hoped on and found our seats in first class and sat down. "This is going to be a very long flight" I say to Tom and he nods his head.

Once we got off our flight I see my mom and dad waiting for us and sequel and run to them and jump into my dads arms "hey squirt how was Rome" he asked me and I smile "it was amazing dad" I say to him and hug mom "well I've got some news for you" dad says to me and I nod and look at him "well I talked to the director of supernatural and he said your character is coming back and filming starts In 4 weeks" he says to me and I squeal again and hug my dad "well that's amazing"Tom says to me and dad and hugs the both of us and my mom.

Once we got home I dropped onto my bed and Tom laughs at me "didn't you have enough sleep on the plane"he asked me and I smirked "no I did not" I say and he rolls his eyes at me then his phone rings and he gos out side of the room and answers it after 10 minutes he comes back "babe what was that about" I asked him "well that was my director and he needs me back for filming and he already booked me a flight back to newyork and I leave tommorow" he says frowning I just say here in shock and don't say a word

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