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𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 10, 2010

The night hung heavy as I approached my father, his form slouched in his inherited rocking chair. The unsettling stench of decay seemed thicker with every step I took, and his labored breaths only grew louder. With trembling hands, I reached out for his rough skin, the damp and chilly texture made it hard to breathe. His bushy eyebrows furrowed in recognition as I spoke, and my voice trembled.

"D...ad... what are you doing out here? It's too cold." I asked, hoping for a logical answer. But his words came out in stuttered fragments. "[Y/N]... go get my shotgun... pack your stuff- I need you to leave this place," he managed, but I stood frozen, his command echoing in my mind as the reality of the situation began to sink in.

"Why? But... What's going on?!" I tilted my head as panic consumed my body, and forcefully prevented me from digesting his order.

"No buts, [Y/N], just do it!" His tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.

"You always deserved more than this place, you were meant for more," he continued, his voice cracking with determination.

"You were raised to survive, to thrive in even the harshest conditions. Remember all those times we spent practicing, teaching you everything you needed to know to make it out there on your own?" I nodded as I gained control of my body again, it was all to real... too final. My throat squeezed tighter as my mind raced through every memory of him— of us. He had always pushed me to be strong, to not only rely on him, and now he was asking me to put those skills to work—to imply those skills, alone."Well, here's your chance to prove it," he said, his voice growing weaker with each word.

"You're strong, [Y/N], a lot more than you think. You know how to survive out there without me. I know it won't be easy, but I know you can't stay here. You need to go... find somewhere safe- somewhere you can start over. And promise me, you'll survive and grow." Tears streamed out of my eyes as I listened to his words, the weight of his command settling heavily on my shoulders. But even as I grieved, I knew he was right. I couldn't stay here, not with whatever threat was out there."Pa- I still need you... I promise I'll still love you," I whispered, my voice barely audible as I stroked his clammy hands.

"Good - now, [Y/N], go get my climbing rope, tie me up, and when the time is right - you know what to do."

I scrambled back inside the cabin to grab what he demanded, my hands shaking as I followed his instructions. And as I secured him to the chair, I couldn't stop the eruption of thoughts, why did it have to be this way? The man who taught me everything— who made me strong is the one I had to leave behind, it's  not fair! Why now?! Why when I still need him?! 

I gave my father one last pitiful look, his once proud eyes now so cloudy. And I paused to stare into his dim orbs, searching for a sign that he was still my pa.

After a long time, tears continued to flow out of my eyes. This was it, he was right. I had to go, but I'm not ready I still need him, but the man before me... he wasn't the same. And with a heavy heart, I turned away from his pale body, the tears still streaming down my cheeks. But as I stepped out into the night, the sound of his devastating cries warped into sinister groans. And I clamped my hands over my ears, but it was no use— that sound—the hunger—the moaning. I knew it would haunt me forever.

I gripped the sides of his old military backpack for extra support, though even as I turned away from his decaying body the weight of his command felt heavy on my youthful shoulders.

I'm sorry, I couldn't do it- I can't hurt my pa.


• Y/N and her father lived in a cabin near the woods, and her pa is a forest survivalist!

• This was after the pandemic in the show took place, but before it became a national outbreak.

• Y/N is twelve.

Words - 622

Let me know if there's anything I need to fix, I'm open to criticism!

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