Chapter 15: training/ kyoto exchange event part 1

Start from the beginning

Nobara then confusingly focuses and senses the cursed energy around her. First (y/n) massive cursed energy appears before the curse energy of multiple people appear from around jujutsu high.. finally she focuses enough to sense tiny strands of cursed energy surrounding them.

Nobara What the-!? When did these strands get here?!

(Y/n) They have been here since I've used the nails. See before I used every nail I had, I imbued tiny strands of cursed energy at the top of them. Now I'm sure you can clearly see that all of them are connected right?

Nobara Yeah.

(Y/n) Well when i have them all in my hands I connect them using the same cursed energy I used to make a strands. When I throw one nail it doesn't automatically straighten out, it's limp. But when I throw another nail the previous one starts to get pulled until it's a straight strand connecting to the nail I just threw. And so and so on until I've used all my nails creating a barrier around me that is almost invisible to any sorcerer or curse if they aren't focus enough.

Nobara Wow that's.. amazing sensei.. but I have to ask. What does it do exactly?

(Y/n) The main aspect of this defense is the strands. Since they're so small they're very easy to trigger and be pulled. So when a curse crosses unknowing into a strand it pulls on the nail it is connected to and strikes the nail right into the target. Making it so that even if you are defenseless you are still able to attack. Look I'll demonstrate with this sword I have. It has cursed energy that was made from a curse so it should be more then okay.

(Y/n) then grabs the immortal from its cover and throws it at a strand.

(Y/n) Alright now watch as the nail goes to attack the-

But just at (y/n) talks the sword touches the strand just to.. go through it.

(Y/n) Uh.. that shouldn't have.. I could have sworn this thing was full of cursed energy..

Thaluta Perhaps since kurata is dead it's loss it's cursed energy.

(Y/n) Maybe but.. it's not normal..

Nobara Sensei? Is that supposed to happen?

(Y/n) Ah no I just used the wrong weapon.. here look.

(Y/n) then just throws the hammer in his hand as it trips the strands causing a nail to be thrown in its direction. The nail hits and bounces off as nobara looks amazed.

(Y/n) See now you try it!

Nobara Alright.

Nobara then confidently gets her nails out and imbues then with cursed energy. She then hit every single one into the floor and walls around them revealing... big strands of cursed energy..

(Y/n) Okay so we're gonna need to work on your cursed energy control first..


(Y/n) Alright let's try one more time..

Nobara then breaths in before charging her curse energy at just the right amount before hitting all her nails into areas that have been filled with holes. Finally, since the morning rise of the sun to the now setting day, nobara manages to use the move perfectly.

Nobara Yes!! Now for the final test!!

Nobara then quickly grabs (y/n) hammer and throws it into a strand as it pull on it and throws a needle right at the hammer. Nobara jumps in joy as she finally completes her training.

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